Got it. Played it for one mission. Realized there's no split screen coop that would have made the experience a tad less boring. Abandoned.

Trashiest MP game out there in my opinion.
Most of the times it doesn't even matter how many minigames you win, or how lucky you can be in the beginning, it all gets sorted out in the endgame.
Very unbalanced, including Bowser's mode.

I am in awe with the beauty of this game
The most pure definition of Art.
Music is great and the puzzles are very engaging.
I wish I could forget the sense of greatness I've felt playing MG so I can live it again...

Let's just say one thing right away: the comedy wasn't nearly as fun as in Trover Saves The Universe, and the shooting side of the game is below average.
But man, it's a beautiful looking game, the environment colors are VERY appealing and the idea of having a gun talking for you is something that I don't think has ever been done in a game.
It was a pleasant experience all in all.

Absolutely perfect game, and possibly amongst the most fluid game experiences you can expect from a console!
Story is in point, visuals are stunning, and the weapons you use are an endless cycle of pure satisfaction 😮‍💨
Side quest included, is a medium-lenght game, like most of the R&C saga, which is honestly the only downside to me. It’s a stellar game tho, I can’t recommend it enough ✨

Lots of people consider RE5 to be one of the worst of the series and I really don't see why...
It has a very unique setting and it's probably one of the most well-escalated games I've ever played! There are truly a lot of iconic levels and gimmicks to be explored, like the inifinite ammo or the infinite rocket launcher that you unlock after finishing the game under 5 hours (best gimmick ever conceived IMO).
Sheva is a great companion, it's sad that her character has never really taken off in the following series but I guess it wouldn't make that much sense.
This is my first RE and I do have a lot of nostalgic affection, but looking back to it I gotta say that the enemy design is the best in the series, alongside RE4.
Loved playing this again last year, just to see Chris punching big boulders in the epilogue 😂.
Mercenaries mode in this game was great, and both the DLC's were great too.
I'll probably give it a third run sometime soon...

When you think there is no space for an original game concept anymore, here comes Deathloop! I jumped into this title thinking it was going to be a Fallout-like game but I knew it was going to be diffferent in the first 10 minutes.
The idea of reusing 4 different areas throughout the whole game is masterful, and I've loved every single dialogue between Julianna and Colt!
The story is great and there is actually a well-developed lore that you can choose to follow more carefully if you're into games because of their stories, the game doesn't force you to follow exactly what's going on and despite the "Memento" style gameplay, the game is actually pretty linear, and always rewards you for exploring a bit more!
Beautiful experience, I find myself playing this again in the future (I hope Arkane releases a DLC at some point, because there is so much potential!)

Enjoyable puzzle game, reminiscent of Portal.
There are some very clever dynamics to be found, I hope that a second release will manage to exploit them better.
The story gets a little repetitive after every room, because the dialogs keep exploring in every way the difference between logical decisions or right decisions (which, yeah, it's the whole point of the game) but the voice acting choice never really gets you to a point where you stop to actually listen what Ava and T.O.M have to say to each other.
Overall a very pleasant puzzle game for the books.

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I’m not crying, I just have a sad Pikachu sobbing because I’m going to vanish from existence in my eye 💧

Funny thing is that I don’t remember this game that much, I sometimes go back to the perfect music score and the heartbreaking ending (that fixes itself 1 minute later, sorry for the spoiler).
Gameplay is very similar to Team Blue, nothing has been spiced up as far as I remember, still
as hard as I remember it being in the previous games!

My first Kirby game!
Probably one of the most impactful games of my childhood in terms of visuals and, of course, the soundtrack 😍

I wish more Kirby games adopted the incredible power-up mix mechanic, 22 years later it’s still my favourite gimmick (followed by Squeak Squad stomach mix mechanic)
Soundtrack is perfection, still remember all the tracks 🦄

First time I agree with a controversial IGN review: this game was really mediocre.
Hated all the characters since the first cutscene, and I hated the cliché "apocalyptic forest" environment throughout my playtime.
Zombies are boring, the nest mechanic is boring, and most of all I DESPISE THE MOTORCYCLE GASOLINE MECHANIC WITH EVERY INCH OF MY HEART!
I understand that this game was meant to be frustrating because it wants to simulate a true survival experience but was it really necessary to make the standard reservoir so small? On top of that, fast travel uses gasoline, so if you don't have enough you'll have to find some EVERY TIME, and you'll be pushing your bike while unconveniently placed zombies try to kill you.
I'm sure this game gets better overtime, but I was already so bored in the first hour, it was hard for me to push forward. Only saving grace of DG is the herd mechanic, which is truly scary and innovative. Escaping the herd is a rush, shooting at it is awful. Shooting in general is awful. Yeah, bad game in my opinion.

Perhaps one of of the most visually pleasing games I've ever played in my life.
At the very beginning I thought I was going to hate the "comic style" cutscenes but I've changed my mind very quickly. The story is looong and has a lot of valid turning points 🤩
Voice acting in Japanese is, well, very stereotypical but iconic nonetheless (I loved Hanabi and Tsugumi so much)
Gameplay is phenomenal, fast paced and immensely satisfying; it does seem that there's not a lot of strategy involved in the beginning but after unlocking your first companions you'll see that the game becomes progressively more thoughtful of its combat ⚔️
Enemies gave me a Bayonetta vibe, there's really no explanation in the game on why they look like that, which doesn't matter because they look cool af🔥
A masterpiece of a game, although I have to recognize that my review is fairly biased by my personal taste, I know a lot of people that did not like SN at all, and they all have good points 🧐

Ape Escape 2 was already one of the best games ever made, but somehow the third entry managed to be even more incredible!
This was the thing that genuinely made everything feel more fresh (even tho the Cyber Ace is broken AF 😂)
I loved the idea of making everything movie-themed and, well, I'm never going to appreciate enough Soichi Terada's existence. To this day, he's still my favourite composer in the gaming industry, I can still associate every stage to his tracks.
One of my favourite games ever, I hope to live to see the (real) 4th release in the series 🤞

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I do think about this game a lot, as it was probably one of the most intense gaming experiences of my existence.
The game was so convoluted and so unpredictable that I still remember it as a lucid dream.
The music, the revolutianary play style that has you switching from 2D to 3D, the puzzles and the backtrack...
The story was PACKED of amazing moments, and the amount of content that was in the aftergame was insane. I still legitimately have nightmares about the 100 floors maze that came after the game.

Bautiful experience, only downside to this game is the fact that every Paper Mario that came afterwards sucked big time

I've been waiting a long time for an experience this good!
Frenetic, fast, frustrating but immensely satisfying when you Ace a level on your first try! The story is not excessively compelling but It fits well with the pacing of the game! And the soundtrack... Wow... I'm a sucker for DnB/Breakcore/Jungle music (or anything that goes above 170 BPM) so this hits both in the nostalgia for all the fast paced games I've played on the PS2 and on my personal musical taste 😍 (Kudos to Machine Girl for this absolute masterpiece, I'm so buying a vynil if it ever comes out 💕🤩)

The characters are very well designed and it is extremely addictive to see what the gifts you get in the game will lead you to!
Beautiful experience 🌟