lowkey kinda overrated but dont tell anyone that i told you that

i think the haters of this game are mostly brainwashed losers who eat video essays for breakfast but i will admit that this game is pretty flawed and DSS glitch was a saving grace for it, but some of the games shortcomings do compensate a bit by making this the only castlevania i felt an actual pretty tough challenge with

wish it had more substance, pretty shallow once you are used to the artstyle, also the artstyle loses some of its effectiveness by being made almost exclusively of random blobs that mesh together and leave no impression and feel almost lazy, but it gets points for its unique gameplay, the extremely well made animation and art, and its very weird and unique way of handling battles (very hard encounters, never lets you feel powerful, no easy encounters at all, but no consequences for failure and almost always a complete restoration right after)

(also the games consumable balance is bad, spells almost always do more then consumables, and while consumables make up for in better numbers, those better numbers are mostly not needed, only time i used consumables was in the crazy batshit last fight)