gameplay is great, but while the story is conceptually strong, its told with an obscene lack of subtlety that hurts it a lot

first game of 2024! :3
way better then expected very surprised

literally the exact same thing as sludge life 1 like literally identical just a different map, so its still great but it definetly doesnt hit as hard as the first time because again, its the identical same game

beautiful fucking game
also not my first game of 2024 i had almost finished it by end of the year but didnt get there

first fire emblem and also first tactics game i finish im awful at these
overall fun and had some great and really strong moments
some interesting themes come out half baked, the inconsequential questions are really stupid, and some twists are really dumb and come out of nowhere
gameplay was fun but while it helped me be able to beat the game without struggling too much, the balance is not the best some of your units are so extremely beasted they can just solo everything just let enemies run into them and die
sorry for criticizing too much i can write a lot for problems and not a lot for positives most of the time, and it doesnt mean i have more problems then positives and stuff

definetly could be better, but has amazing ideas and could definetly be worse
also the concept of cassettes only affects menus and the names of mechanics literally nothing else
amazing music tho
also some of the battles were fucking miserable what were they thinking
also the monster designs were mostly pretty bad tbh, the art left a lot to be desired, the different artstyle gimmick for bosses was rly cool tho, shame they didnt do it for the last boss they could have made him look like hylics 2

liked the gameplay and systems way more then 0
story was pretty bad, filled with filler substories, chapter 6 (i think, i dont remember) was fucking awful just one giant substory, and the boss fights, the boss fights were a fucking disgrace, completely sapped my joy of several moments and areas of the game, what the fuck were they thinking
majima everywhere gets this game to a 8/10

sad to say this but unfortunately pretty messy
at least the magic and novelty of pokemon monster hunter does a lot of heavy lifting

really fun and creative gameplay, and a pretty great story, but suffers from obnoxious "social media pills" and "pikachu using a human on a phone as a horse" messaging and investing really heavily on the worlds most predictable plot twist
still really good just kinda stupid sometimes

music was great in the beginning but got meh later
gameplay was pretty bad
dialogue sucked
game felt unfinished
extremely short
parts of certain fights sucked
makes me sad to say but kinda pretty bad

really fun and plays amazing but painfully short
some stuff with level design sucks but meh its alright
also the game and the animations look great but sakuyas walking animation looks like sf3 twelve idle animation

has its problems but also has some great moments
it bites more then it can chew and stuff
also the segmented chapters had pretty bad execution
general execution of the story also not great

saejima's scene with sasai might be the best moment in the series so far ngl

my bad for the vague review lately the more i think about a game the less i want to write it out

great gameplay great art great music just a great experience
as for the story it seems great but im not sure i understood everything and the way its told is not the best
it also gets minus points for being really cryptic the whole game and then in the end using written words to explain everything that was kinda stupid even if it helped me understand