Elden Ring will go down as one of the most overrated games in the industry. From Software's take on open world was surprisingly safe, they just removed the markers and placed annoying and boring enemies through the whole map.

The dungeons? They copy & paste a lot, and I mean A LOT and the rewards? Well, after you beat the 3rd form of a boss you already beated you gain a stupid summon/equipment gear.

There are some cool places like Raya Lucaria Academy and that whole underground area with the stars in the sky, I think the name is Siofra River...the depths in the capital was also very cool but these places are almost throwbacks to the older games, you know, the linear games (linear games are now seeing as crimes to the GAMERS out there)

The main bosses (the ones that don't repeat 500x times) are huge letdown, their designs are great for the most part but their movesets are so god damn long it barely gives you an opportunity to punish them, the camera is god awful, they were always bad at some moments in the other games but here's another level of awfulness

My whole point is: Applying the what people call "soulslike" genre in an open world game doesn't work properly. What's the point of having though enemies in a vast area if you can just skip it to the checkpoint that's behind them, what's the point of restarting this game after you finished because it means you gonna have to do a lot of the dogshit dungeons to get the equipment and levels you need

The beginning of the end from From Software, that's what I see of this game.

I got used to Nero's combat style then the game switch to Dante, then I got used to Dante's combat style, then the game switch back to Nero, oh my...

why not remove this "game" from this website and move it to the letterboxd, that's where it belongs

I used to love this game back when I was a kid, but nowadays is just pure cringe, like...I can't stay with a straight face seeing Mickey Mouse and some Final Fantasy characters talking about darkness and shit. But the OST still amazing, Yoko is GOAT.

last level is ABSOLUTE CINEMA

this totally feel like a videogame Satou and Yamazaki from NHK Ni Youkoso would have made after they released a couple more VN in their catalogue

extremely boring and the graphics aged like milk

Envelheceu bem na minha opinião, sim, tem algumas partes que incomodam um pouco, como por exemplo o caminho para alguns bosses (Old Hero e Old King Allant são sofríveis, sendo esse último tendo o caminho facilitado no remake de 2020).

Mas a atmosfera de Demon's Souls continua forte até nos dias de hoje, é tudo muito sombrio e desesperador, Tower of Latria é de arrepiar, facilmente uma das melhores áreas que a From já fez.

Enfim, se você é um amante dos jogos da From é muito recomendado que você jogue o jogo que começou toda a história.

Nunca vou entender o amor que as pessoas tem por essa franquia. É uma das coisas mais tediosas que tu pode jogar.

Pega um podcast, um álbum de música ou qualquer coisa pra escutar pq o grinding aqui vai ser insano.

Não caia na bait como eu caí achando que seria tipo Final Fantasy Tactics, é um FF Tactics paraguaio isso sim!

As classes são sem graça, a trilha sonora que é de um dos caras do FF Tactics é bem fraca e tem pouca variedade, inimigos repetitivos etc

Uma verdadeira bomba!