better than the before the storm glitch wise from what I played, but still incredibly low effort and ugly overall. also had this weird eye glitch where the eyes would look fuzzy? and the change from game render to cutscene was clearly visible and hard to watch. i stopped playing it cause if I wanna replay LiS I will just play the originals rather than this

If you want to play this game do NOT get the remaster, just get the original. The updated models looked mostly horrible on everybody except Chloe, Rachel looked decent after episode 1. The lighting could be straight up horrible sometimes making the models/environments look much worse. TONS of glitches, especially on the version I played, some cutscenes were so glitchy that they gave me a headache. Some scenes Chloe would phase out of existence or sometimes her animations would not render and she would just T pose and mouth her lines. Just a complete mess and a waste of money IMO especially since the original is cheaper, as someone who LOVED the original playing this first would have definitely changed my opinion of the game as a whole

Loved the new art style, music, and gameplay innovations/additions, such as the new characters, animations, theme of the wonder bits, etc. I do have to say though that for a 2D Mario game it felt very weak on the multiplayer side of things. Playing by myself was often the best experience, or with a friend. Playing with 3 or 4 people was often a nightmare, especially with people that had never played before or didn't play very many games. The change in the way the camera was handled compared to previous Mario Bros titles (focusing on one player that can change when they die rather than a shared camera) really just made the whole thing a mess, and the wonder segments, while awesome alone/co op, were too much to handle with new players or 3/4 players. The camera change is the main reason I didn't give it 5 stars, along with some levels that were needlessly tedious to get through. Additionally, I personally did not like the talking flowers and they ended up serving no purpose throughout the entire game.

Easy and cheap rogue like, can't see myself playing it all the time but it'll be fun every now and then. I don't like how it just insta kills you after a time limit but I suppose that makes sense to 'beat' the game, but beating a boss would've been more satisfying than just dying.

The puzzles are good and there were some real neat ways that they implemented the puzzles, but nothing too special overall. For the price, it's worth the buy/playthrough, this along with the prequel goes for about 3 hours of entertainment

Overall I really liked it, and I think the branching paths are cool. The ending for my path I chose felt kind of lazy and rushed, however, and wasn’t a super satisfying ending. Also, some of the support conversations with characters that weren’t really main characters felt super dull, i ended up just skipping through them. Otherwise everything was good- voice acting, animated cutscenes/art, battle was fun, good soundtrack.

I appreciate that it’s only $40 rather than $60+ first of all, especially with the replay ability and functionality included. It has its issues for being so new but it’s fun and intense and has good graphics and a good soundtrack, very fun with friends and a good community of players.

A good set of puzzles ranging in difficulty levels but never anything too hard in my opinion. Sometimes though on both players on local co op our button presses would just not go through to do things on A and Y which got Very annoying very quickly especially when you’re on a time crunch. Know it wasn’t the controllers since it happened for both players with different controllers one of which is brand new

The story was a looooot to grasp but it did finally make enough sense by the end. Took me a little while to get into with being introduced so many ideas and characters and concepts all at once but once it got rolling it got rolling. I personally liked the RTS part of the game as well even though I’ve seen others haven’t. It wasn’t anything special but I thought it was entertaining, especially as a way to get new story beats other than the visual novel. The visual novel was very interesting but could get kind of tedious to work through all of the branches and all of the characters. Overall a well crafted and thought out story and definitely worth the low price tag.

The platforming was absolutely infuriating sometimes, it was hard to judge depth perception-wise. I also thought, after playing on normal difficulty, that the combat got a bit stale after a while, too easy I guess? I also thought that the support characters weren't all well rounded, like Mallow is kind of a bad support character compared to Peach, and Peach is the only one with a revive ability, so I didn't end up using Mallow much at all really. The story was entertaining and the writing was pretty entertaining, and the soundtrack was awesome. Playing on normal the playthrough took about 10 hours, which is a little short for the full $60 price tag in my opinion.

The story was very interesting and fast paced, which I like. Was not a huge fan about the fact that the story had some time jumps at first but I think it flowed pretty well all things considered. The voice acting was also decent, and the amount of choices and branching was cool to see. The main thing from this game that takes it down a good chunk is the art style. While the art itself is pretty, the mix of no animation with animation reallyyy does not look good. Especially when they animate hair flowing in the wind on stand still characters. If you get locked into the story enough, it becomes negligible, but otherwise it is really hard to look at and get into.

Just finished a second playthrough, fun story and choice making with a super unique puzzle mechanic.

A little glitchy from time to time but a solid game overall, great multiplayer and good mix of restaurant sim and farming sim.

The party games were a bit lack luster but I thought the 2 player story mode was very good. Playing the characters with different controls to complete mini games is a cool gimmick compared to just directly completing the mini game.

I've played the game two different sessions now and it's honestly a lot more like Phasmophobia than I was expecting. It has a lot of unique, interesting gameplay elements and I think it's very promising but at the moment the gameplay loop gets very boring very quickly and it's all about who you play with, never fun for more than an hour/hour and a half at a time. It also has a few issues bug wise that need to be fixed to make the game more enjoyable.