The game's longer than the first one but it just isn't it. Definteley makes you want more. Ending's good, should definetely play it.

This is minecraft, there's nothing else to say. Played it back in the years and even in 2020, tried to play it a lot, complete it but couldn't spend as much time to complete it. Good for kids, youngsters, teens and even adults. So much to do.

Not sure why I've played it. Tried it out, played a bit, punched some women and that's about it.

I finished it, but di I enjoy it? Not really. Fun for a bit. Britti'sh home, but even compared to other simple games, it's definetely not the game we wanted.

It was a good game back in the day. Enjoyed it even for the 3 hours I was into it but definetely nothing too crazy to play. Decent.

So I've played it for a bit, enjoyed it but now it's in my backlog for whatever idea. Will finish someday.

Spent a lot of money and time on it. Worth playing if it was 2017-2021. Now.. not so much, selling the account if somebody wants it.

Better than cs:go for sure. love it and hate it. Keeps you on your times everytime you're lucky or unlucky. Typical online fps shooter

So definetely a game I love. I love outlast. Every bit of it and it was such a cool way to implement a multiplayer mode after all this time. It's super potential, like you can do whatever on a full release. The beta's good but I'd say it's too hard for beginners. Like how does it makes sense that the further you go, the more skills you unlock and it gets easier. Could scare some people away, nevertheless it's really good for it's price with the content it provides.
The game's nothing alike to the first ones which are story driven. This one is made to play with your friends or randoms in co-op mode which is really fresh and new. The online mode of this game reminds of the recent co-op games like phasmophobia,demonologist,pacify and so other where you go for maps and eventually upgrade your character, outfit, gear etc.
My only complaint would be that the game's super frusturating for beginners, you pass the tutorial which is pretty easy and basic and then you go for the first program. We've played with a friend, 2 of us 2 times and failed eventually, too many traps, too many enemies for the first gameplay, no time to rest/think, when you're not used to the game it definetely demotivates you.
Then we tried to play with one more friend which made it a bit more fun/easier but at the same time the game makes it even more hard when there's more of you so we couldn't complete the first level in the first try as well. A lot of potential, a lot fun, definetely top aaa co-op game but progression should be so it gets harder later on and not easier when you can upgrade attributes, skills.

Although. It's a decent game. Much worse imo than far cry 1, it has a lot of creepy bugs, like shaking heads, sometimes can't accept missions etc.
The gameplay as well, feels so dry. The missions feel repetitive, no character development, just feels not that right. Excited for far cry 3 tho

Okay and not okay at the same time. Gets pretty hard but as a platformer - the game's nothing special tbh.

Outdated? Probably. Enjoyable? Hell yeah. I can't imagine how good it was at it's peak. Retro horror game which I enjoyed.

I definetely enjoyed the few hours I've put in.
Fun when it was crowded. No people play this today...

So many memories in the game. All my childhood days and gaming are related to it. Nostalgic for sure. Although As I can remember I used cheats to play it which is not fair anymore. So it's abandoned but I'll be going to complete the definitive edition for sure.

The Game is awesome of course. If you are new to this game. It's super long.
For etc. I completed the half-life in 24 hours. Yeah. I explored everything . well 90% atleast.
Second time i'm completing the game. Made It in 5.7 hours. Still exploring most of the spots and all that ♥♥♥♥.
So Keep that in mind.
The Main reason you may be reading all these reviews is because you have no idea what's the difference between Half-life and Half-life Source. None. I'm talking about the script and story. No difference.
On the other hand, The graphics are improved, some monters are improved and changed the look of them.
If you don't want to spend money, don't buy it. If you are a HL fan buy it. Get the speedrun record. do it. The Record is 20:49 minutes btw. So good luck