It was a confusing one in terms of the narrative but still, I liked this looping days dread feeling I got when playing this game now that we are out of school.

Relaxing point-and-click adventure puzzle game about Tukoni going on its adventure which I do not know. We met cute animals on the way though.

The lore tapes were my favorite part of this game showing pieces of background story. That's it because I got this creepy show/mascot games fatigue.


It has nothing unique but the story and mythology but it is still a good walking simulator with little bits of puzzle for a FREE experience

Usually, I'm not too fond of rogue-like games due to the amount of games I play so basically I don't usually get to enjoy their design of playing but this experience took me in. The feeling I got mushin' on the small Alaska terrain with the dogs is so memorable. Also, the first musher game I ever played and currently attempting to complete the journal but its RNG design does not grant it.


It was an okay puzzle platformer that challenged my mind to think and it was rewarding to solve. The stylistic choice of minimalism works well with the shifting colors mechanic and it is a unique game because of this.


This is probably the most memorable Silent Hill experience I got after 1 and 2. The motion controls were perfect for this game and the minimal changes in the presentation although unimportant in the end were a nice touch. It is a must-play even though it diverted away from adapting the first game which was the right decision in my opinion.

A neat little showcase game of the upcoming Bendy games/projects that feels just right to the universe and they update it so it is this sort of hub for new updates and content.

It is a good puzzle and platforming game in addition to its interesting mini-documentary about the Iñupiat people and their way of life. This is the first time I got invested in documentaries in games.

That dark ice moving and crushing the player part (Ice Floes) infuriated the living out of me as I spawned outside of the camera over and over again. It also messed up the controls with my wireless controller because the game is setting it in coop mode by itself.

To be honest, I burned out fast with this game due to its difficulty and performance running on the PS2 but I liked its over-the-top propaganda story and the action. It is pure power fantasy and I am here for it. Fudge Adam Wolf.

This is my first Medal of Honor experience. In terms of story, I like its plainness and easy-to-follow jumps from character to character and the connectedness of their missions. The objectives and pacing of missions are realistic. The gunplay and shooting are solidified and it can bring quite a challenge despite the difficulty of gauging out how much damage you can take from enemies is uncertain. However, I do not see myself playing this again anytime soon or ever.

Going back to this, I was surprised at how the gameplay held up, to be honest. The platforming still feels satisfying to do and the puzzles are never too hard. The rewind mechanic is still iconic to have in your abilities and the story is straightforward enough to not be taken too seriously.

It is gratifying to finally finish it as a 21-year-old. It is one of those games that I did not finish in childhood.

The boy is really trying to get inside I guess