i wont rate this because i really havent played enough to develop an opinion beyond "holy shit this is so fucking boring"

this voice acting is so fucking bad that i cannot stand it

yeah i hate open world games but this one is good and thus it is the best game

tried it once with friends and it was incredibly boring, hard pass

when he lowers the axe in front of you and the music kicked in i nutted

lyse literally is the exact same character through the entire expansion and i have to somehow get behind the idea that the resistance, a pretty surface level allegory for the racist slaughter of native peoples by imperial fascists, (every character has dark skin, for fucks sake) is saved and led by a plucky white blonde girl with blue eyes who is incredibly annoying and obnoxious at every single turn
why the fuck is this character in the game

while it still has MMO related issues, the general tone, pacing, and atmosphere of heavensward is miles better than ARR and im so glad it exists. people are right when they say the game gets good here.

this game makes me so fucking angry

for once, 343 managed to nail a gameplay loop. is it halo? no, it isnt. but it's fun. the gadgets are fun, the weapons are fun, enemies are cool and fun to engage and shoot at, and the multiplayer is obviously fun as a result of this. what i cant ignore is how they managed TO FUCK UP EVERY SINGLE OTHER FUCKING THING

interesting levels and world? nah, time for generic triple AAA OPEN WORLD SHIT! UBISOFT! MAP MARKERS! NO REASON TO EXPLORE THE WORLD! everything looks the exact fucking same. nothing is interesting, none of the upgrades are worth exploring for or getting, IT ADDS NOTHING TO THE GAME. what the FUCK is the point of these stupid ass open world games? stop making good, linear games into fucking open worlds!!! IT ADDS NOTHING!! YOU ARE BAD AT IT!!!

what is this story? why does the game not actually pick up from halo 5? it just starts you smack in the middle of some new shit, and everything is !!! horribly written !!! plot convenience! two annoying ass companions who boss you around and bring the game to a screeching halt! oh yeah you do get linear levels for the story, except every area looks the fucking same! nothing actually interesting or unique that could be even close to the interesting locales seen in previous games! WOO! FUN

we also get shit-ass marvel quips now. chief goes from this stoic guy with a sense of humor, with a soft spot for cortana, to this weird awkward superhero character. he doesnt talk to people like this. why is he acting like this. i cant stand him in this game. he does shit that makes zero sense for his character and attitude. he's empathetic and caring, to a fault, he puts himself in danger many, many times to save a fucking AI. where are these qualities? who is this character??

-ost is extremely forgettable. you will like the main halo theme. enjoy background noise for the remainder of the game.
-escharum is quite possibly the worst halo villain ive ever seen. he is extremely not intimidating. i was fucking laughing during all of his angry rants. you really think im going to be scared of an oversized monkey who is yelling at me... THROUGH HOLOGRAMS?

i think i have to realize new, triple A games are just not for me anymore. it's this same bland copy pasted bullshit every single year. every franchise must be open world. every franchise must have a battle pass. we must copy everyone else. we must have MCU quips and writing. we must make our game a service, not an experience.

i stopped right before the last level. i am so bored and angry at this game i cannot bring myself to finish it. there is basically zero plot development all the way until the end where suddenly every plotthread must be opened and then tied up at once. it's so stupid. it's so fucking stupid.

fuck you 343 and fuck you microsoft for the corporate greed that keeps bleeding this shriveled corpse of an IP. god i wish this franchise had ended 14 years ago.

it's good, but you can definitely tell nier: automata really refined all of the parts of this game that were tedious. for now ive only done the first two routes and am not planning on doing more, but i might come back to it.

i think deathloop might be one of the most disappointing games ive ever played

the standard arkane fare is fun, i enjoy these games. what i dont enjoy is random weapon perks, extremely boring levels (which dont change at all between the days, or at least, if they did, it wasnt at all noticeable or interesting to me), and extremely repetitive and annoying gameplay. throw on this some awful performance issues on PC and i just did not have very much fun at all. the game was cool in the beginning but i felt very railroaded very quickly and i dont really understand the fun of this game. the world is boring, i do not care about exploring or seeing any of it. what happened to the cities of dishonored 1 and 2 that actually had people living in them? this game, it just feels like everyone is standing around waiting to kill or be killed. this isnt interesting to me.

maybe ill revisit it and enjoy but im thoroughly disappointed for the moment. so annoyed even that i cant even write up what exactly i dislike about it.

shelving because it's cool so far but my god it controls like garbage