you get to play as spiderman

how many times do we need to remake this stupid fucking game. do something different for christs sake

smug game developers continue to think they are funny, unfortunately

never touched singleplayer but the MP is alright. it doesnt really hit the vibes of an arcadey shooter i like, and it being locked to the switch doesnt really help for me. splatoon is a super cool game in concept that i just dont gel a ton with, but i like everything else about it a lot

interesting premise and i could see myself coming back to it, but im not sure if im just lucky or what because it feels very easy to avoid the monster lol

otherwise just a lil boring for now, environment is cool to explore but ehhhhhhhhhh

it is ok

update: my friends all got bored of it just like i thought they would because it's the same fuckin thing over and over.

im autistically bound by the warhammer IP to play games regardless of their quality im sorry

i have nothing to say about this.

revising my review because i play this game too much

so as of 2/7/24 we finally got an update that reduced how horrible the peeker advantage was. now it feels less like you get shot in the head by someone who straight up couldnt see you or instant transmission-ed into a wide swing from behind a wall and killed you instantly.

but sound is still fucked. shooting still feels weird and off in some ways from GO. SMGs and the XM are WAY too rewarding for how easy they are to use currently. premier still queues you into stacks constantly even as a solo while you have a team full of solos. MM/premier is still rife with cheaters to the point where blatant ones arent even getting banned. because of this, you're constantly aware of the cheater problem in every game - and it makes every match feel suspicious! it sucks, VAC needs to be better.

also the ELO changes in premier are fucking stupid. if you leave a game bc of a cheater or bc of griefers, you just straight lose 1k ELO - meaning people can easily just abandon 1-2 games in a day and come back the next day and have a smurf ready to go. this literally just hurts people who actually care about improving their rank and playing the game in best conditions. also wtf is with this loss streak shit? you'll lose 2-3 games in a row and be down to -400 or -500 points while only gaining 100. you get win streak bonuses but if you lose 1-2 games, you might as well just stop playing for the day if you care about your rank.

"well geez, isnt caring about rank that much stupid?" YEP! it literally doesnt mean anything because no matter the rank you're still dealing with cheaters, players who dont want to communicate, smurfs, and just general joey wheeler ass shitters who refuse to improve at the game. but it's your only measurement of progress outside of your mechanical ability, so it feels like all you have to set goals around unless you're able to set gameplay specific goals. and you need the gameplay specific goals to get there in the first place...

im just getting kinda tired of it because valve doesnt give a shit about people who actually want to improve at their game or play it in best conditions.

i hope they fix up mechanics as well as make premier feel less punishing for wanting to play. rn it feels like it's best to just play games until you lose one, then be done for the day. why bother if you're not playing well and you're going to lose so many points just for trying? crazy to me that they released the game in this state when it clearly needed beta testing for another year or so minimum.

had fun, heard a few slurs so ill just leave it alone

"resident evil but samurai horror" sign me up man