L + ratio + bad writing + bad story + bad characters + the art is ugly + the female waa members are barely there + trilogy nostalgia bait + you love imperialism

alright game but was pretty weird when they kept trying to insist phoenix and apollo were the protagonists instead of athena. would've preferred if they weren't in the game at all actually considering how badly they were butchered. would be a full two stars if clay terran wasn't there

the controls are a bit awkward sometimes and the split-screen battles are a little hectic but otherwise really really great game

sadly they tried to do too many things at once with the characters and the story and it all ended up canceling each other out into a giant soup of nothing but if you ignore the story it's great

unfortunately couldn't finish the game and had to watch a playthrough for the rest of it because the gameplay started to really hurt my hands even with assist mode on, but still a really great game

genshit midpact lol

on a more serious note, the story and its characters have as much flavor and intrigue as a bag of flour. 98% of the characters have the same personality as each other and is just genuinely the most forgettable cast I've ever seen (and this doesn't even cover my thoughts on the godawful character designs that this game is actually daring to make people gamble for). the only positive thing I can say about this game is that it looks nice visually, which doesn't really do it very many favors considering it's supposed to be a game and not a pretty picture book. please do yourself a favor and play a different game

i think the gameplay and overworld exploration mechanics (more so for the DLC) are fun at times but the story is seriously lacking

honestly could've used some more time in the oven in terms of graphics (looking at you 2fps staraptors flying in the distance lol) but the gameplay and story really makes up for it.

oh i sure hope they continue the aa4 trilogy and let us learn more about the gramaryes and whether or not apollo+trucy find out the truth instead of sending apollo on a redditors quest to become the most annoying and insufferable character on earth

unfortunately lacks a lot of the charm that the older games have, but the customization is nice I guess

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this game is interesting to me but not because of what's in the actual game but moreso what's NOT said in the actual game.

hey daniel, what did you mean when you laughed about p03 being just straight up evil with no further depth than 'being evil'? did you write in all that nuance for him by complete accident? even if you were just, you know. joking. can you believe that it's still completely conceivable to me that you would be this blind to your own damn game? considering the existence of the stupid fucking arg and everything. which, by the way... what were you thinking? i can't even bring myself to talk about it because of how stupid it is. i just can't believe an actual human being sat down and spent time writing/developing it and then went 'yeah this sounds great. post that shit'. you spent so much time building up intrigue within inscryption only for the conclusion to turn out to be... this bullshit?

luke was a completely unnecessary addition to the game and added nothing to the story. i know he's only there to add a 'found footage' sort of vibe to the whole thing, but eh. i feel like it took agency away from the player somehow. his death meant nothing to me because i did not give a fuck lol

i would agree with the people who didn't like act 2; i wasn't that big of a fan either. it was just kinda grindy and boring. but i will defend act 3. i understand why people wouldn't like it, but i really enjoyed the atmosphere and mechanics of it. though everything after act 1 is just a huge mixed bag, really.

i have around 90 hours in this game. do not play this unless you want to get mad or if you plan to just turn your brain off completely and not think about anything that happens. i think this game was completely ruined by the creator's desire to create a 'daniel mullins cinematic universe' and to continue the story in a fucking arg that ruins the entire game rather than just doing what every rational game dev does which is to spend time actually developing the writing for shit that occurs within the actual game. if anything, i think he accidentally stumbled into an interesting concept and then fumbled the bag extremely hard from that point on.

but hey, at least the card games were fun.

if you promise to not bring back jam ill bump it up to a 4.5. if you add her i will lower my score to a 2.5