this game's lowkey funny asf

Basically Jet Set Radio if it was polished and made by a small group of people who ACTUALLY LOVE it. Very beginner friendly, and basically the best game that ever came out of Jet Set Radio. + It actually has a coherent and compelling story.

This game just makes me FEEL like I'm adventuring and killing giant monsters with my homies, and that's enough

Introduced me to Soulslikes, easily the best Soulslike ever

This is just Zelda: BOTW but you have to pay for everything and the map is as empty as a barren wasteland

This game's controls are weird asf, either you'll love them and love the game, or you'll hate them and hate the game.

Got platinum in it after 60+ hours, then they released a DLC and fucked me up.

The best Spider-Man game ever, and I played all the 3d ones

Basically introduced me to fighting games and made me actually start to enjoy playing them and made me stop feeling like shit whenever a lost a match