This is the only game I played that came out this year, so......

Don't tell my scientist friends. They would call me a "whore."


Whenever I think about this game I become so distraught that I can't help but to howl softly. awooo

Been playing this for a while, but I think I gotta admit to myself that I'm just not having fun :(

At one point I vowed to perfect every minigame but I am now admitting defeat. Fuck you Moai Do-op 2, both Rhythm Rallies, and Remixes 3, 6, 8,and 10. >:(

I really need to get back into playing the piano.

I CANNOT beat the final boss and at this point I don't know if doing so is worth it.

I had a friend like this in high school.

I really liked this game! I found the puzzles engaging and the aesthetic charming. The little poems you get from the witch are all super cute. I don't normally review games I've played, but I enjoyed Beglitched enough that I think it deserves at least one positive review.