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I came here without any idea of how the g

As it is, is badly broken. Check the comment from @Zerokingfull (Or any video on YT about how to improve it) and you'll have a much better time. However, I'm not getting much into this game as I should have expected. There's a lot of mindless driving, shoot there, shoot here, take this to that person.

- Unplayable without mods due to the amount of bugs.
- Mindless driving.
- Hard time driving. Brakes not working, motorcycles being useless (Without mods)
- Traffic (Yisus, I come from Lima, Peru, one of the worst cities on car traffic, and still it's better than this ♥♥♥♥)
- How many stairs does a guy need to climb on his life????
- Dumb NPC's.
- You're an errand boy, like for a LOT of people with not much development for your character.
- More mindless driving.
- Friendship mechanic? My friends in real life aren't as needy as Bruce (Yes, I have real friends). Still, what if I don't wanna be friends with a Tate brothers look-a-like a*hole? I'm forced to do it if I want the bonus. Bad. Plainly bad.
- Callers are like my mom. They call me and I can't pick up, but when I call them back, there's voicemail.
- Drunk camera. I know what Rockstar tried to do. Immersive experience. I ended up actually sick and avoiding getting drunk with the characters.

- Niko is an awesome character.
- Some dark humor is well appreciated.
- Great story (For as long as you're willing to be an errand boy to discover it)
- Great music (With mods, since many songs are not from the original)

If it's your first time, mod it (PLEASE MOD IT) and keep in mind that you can take taxis. If you want a rerun, like me, perhaps it hasn't aged as good as it should.

I'm completely new to the saga (Yes, I saw a video about the first one before playing this) and I really liked the story. I'm checking the endgame now, and it seems well produced, so I'll keep playing. The story was pretty good (Better than any current superhero movie, anyway). Totally recommended!