This game is fucking amazing. The audio design is incredible. The scratchings on the roof indicating the beast is on its way, The lights flickering in and out of the beasts view creating some crazy looking shots.
The story was pretty good too and the 2 main "boss" fights I thought were done quite well.

I also love tragic endings

This is a "ME" game.

FOV goes over 150. classic boomer shooter fast movement
games so fast it made jerma break down on stream

Graphics and visuals are mid. Melee and guns feel god damn amazing.
Story was about average and the characters are very forgettable

Rockstar know how to write stories and characters. They unfortunately don't know how to make smooth gameplay

Really fun tactical fps. Guns feel great and using your camera stick under doors really feels genuine.

8/10 because if the AI spots you they can perfect headshot wallbang you like your versing "史诗级黑客男孩" on cs2

God motherfucking damn. Who knew such a small team could create such a fucking banger like this.

Please play this game.

Characters are awesome sauce

half life mod beats every single resident evil game.


Best console exclusive game. Need part III

actual dlc. I cant believe we were sold this manure

If someone tells you they havnt played minecraft they are lying.