I’m a big fan of sequels that try to go for something new at the risk of alienating their fanbase. I’ve only recently played through the early Silent Hill games and can tell what makes each one of them special in their own way. But while I enjoyed some of the new ideas being implemented here, this just never hooked me the way the other games managed to. The levels were bland from start to finish, the lack of interesting characters was definitely felt throughout and having the entire back half of the game be an escort mission for a slow chick with a busted leg really sealed the deal for me.

All that being said, playing through the Team Silent games was time well spent and I’d recommend the first 4 games to anyone despite my own personal gripes.

James Urbaniak and the rest of the voice actors make this the most fun of the Fallout New Vegas DLC even if the world feels empty. Still, in comparison to the others which feel like mods slapped together by fans at a sleepover, this does a decent job setting up the stakes of the story and has creative ideas mostly throughout.

A VR version would be insane, hope someone somewhere's working on that.

For being essentially "Flower"/“Journey” in space, it's pretty fun. Tho what made those games' experiences so memorable was their solid direction and this is just feels like a mostly empty sandbox with pretty colors. I think there's a lot that someone could do with this type of simple gravity-based gameplay; the speedruns for this are wild, can you imagine how much fun racing would be???

the Pirates of the Caribbean level was a blast but that's really all that's worth remembering about this game.

A fun game I probably would've obsessed over in middle school during computer class trying to 100%. It's simple and addicting but not enough to warrant completing all the goals. It was just nice to return to the world of Minit and I really REALLY a proper sequel isn't too far away.

This holds up better than most original Xbox games. The story unfolds like a proper Riddick movie and the titular prison is as imposing as it needs to be.

I would probably appreciate this more if the combat wasn’t so awkward and/or the stealth gameplay was more fun.

Well it's a noticeable improvement from whatever the first game's campaign was, though that's not saying much. For sure feels like they were trying to design more memorable setpieces and thoughtful level design akin to the Call of Duty games. But the story and characters are still weak; the opening mission set in the flashback was actually really effective tho once you realize the plot is just another "macguffin super weapon", you've already seen this before and it's over way too fast.

Minor technical limitations aside, it's still impressive how Rockstar was able to make a full GTA game for a handheld system in the mid 2000s. There's a fair amount of repetition with some of the missions but more than a few memorable set pieces and characters that kept me playing.

The Phil Collins concert was rad.

Love the look of the city and characters but the map is kind of a mess do deal with. Plus the final act devolves into having to grind for money to buy up property which sorta kills the momentum.