The drought will surely devastate our harvest.

Pretty fun game. Nothing that's too out there but it has one unique concept (growing plants and climbing, yippee!) and it executes it wonderfully while not making it a thousand hours with 300 checkmarks to grab, I don't know, metal pipes I guess? Something unexpected from Ubisoft, although expected for their indie game division.

No other game like this.

Fun soulslike experience. I found its aesthetic too derivative, although I enjoyed most its unique mechanics like the sanctuary summons system. Some of the bosses are straight up unfair and unbalanced like the Witch of the Lake and bogs the experience down and makes me angry, not in the "I'm bad at this!" kind of way but the "I should've totally won, why did I lose???" way. I still enjoyed my time and I liked all the upgrades and stuff that lean on the metroidvania side. Would recommend if you're a huge soulsborne fan although if you're anything else you won't get as much out of it. I'd say just play From Software's games instead. Would like to give their other game, Charlie Murder, another whirl though.

One of the worst games I've ever beaten. If there's a game that's able to be finished easily or that I've finished recently, I put it in my log and such but this game is so awful I'm never going back to it. I felt like I was grinding my skull against a buzzsaw for three hours and that was probably more enjoyable.