60 reviews liked by denizarasgulle

The portable spin-off of NFSU2 - and a clear continuation of the mold in that regard. The progression set-up doesn't feel that great when broken down to brass tacks, but still feels decently suited to a portable structure.

The greatest game ever made - an outright masterpiece that no other game can even think of competing with. Ocarina of Time? The Witcher 3? Nah, fuck out of here - this is the real deal. Before I played this game, I was miserable - depressed, lonely - but it wasn’t until I played this absolute masterpiece when my life began to change for the better. Amazing graphics, a kickass soundtrack, deep gameplay - this game has it all. Cory, you really are a busta.

8/10 too much water

I expected little and I was still underwhelmed

Hack & Slash stipped down translates very well for a portable gameplay experience. Takes the core elements of GOW & puts them in a neat package for short bursts or extended sessions.

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

i got this game for 50 cents and i still want my money back

Astronomically expensive car goes vrooooommmmm.
Underground II is a lot better.

1 list liked by denizarasgulle