it's taken me almost 3 years to beat this game lmao

(and it still says Overall completion 51%)

unlocked raiden. guess i gotta play other video games or something now :(

i saw some highlights on youtube and thought it was funny and then i played the first 10 minutes and dropped it cause i felt bad being mean

i'd rather spend 100 days on WOKE island than this POS

i kinda wish that this game was just the cybergrind and just a bunch of different endless arenas for you to mess around in. the first half of the campaign is fine but during the later parts of the game the maps start to get real repetitive and the newly introduced enemies are just a bore to kill. the only boss fights i thought were anything special and didn't just find frustrating were the V2 fights which were incredible. i love the little rivalry they have its great

the cybergrind is still so much fucking fun that it easily makes up for all of this. probably top 3 shooters i've played in terms of gunplay. just wish the campaign was a little less dull.

i'd be the #1 student in my entire school if the faculty blocked

This review contains spoilers

i have about 150 hours in mgsv so i figured it's about time i actually played the other metal gear games, starting with mgs1. it's still pretty fun even if it has aged rather poorly in some aspects.

my main problem with this game is how it's essentially a boss rush. the stealth is very simplistic, and while it's definitely the highlight of the game, there's no way the stealth gameplay alone could make up even the majority of the gameplay. this leads to the game following the formula of: sneak past two guards -> cutscene -> boss fight -> cutscene -> repeat. the game being about half boss fights wouldn't be much of a problem if the boss fights were fun and had creative solutions but most of them are just tedious. you run around and shoot the bad guy, and the very dated ps1 combat certainly doesn't help here. the greatest offender of this was definitely ocelot, who's boss fight is literally just running in a circle while getting shot from off screen. (i also really REALLY suck at this game which is probably a big factor here too)

that's pretty much all the problems i have with mgs1. i played the game on the duckstation emulator and the ps1 graphics are just so smooth and charming. the story is also great (definitely better than mgsv) and liquid is such a great villain.

the game's biggest strength is definitely the cutscene direction. it really is just incredible. the final fight between gray fox and rex is unbelievably hype and even when nothing exciting is happening the cinematography is still able to keep me engaged.

pretty good game!

This game is so good lkjadfl;dskjfasl;jdf;oijgaohfgl;ka;sldfjasdfdsa

After thinking MGS1 was just pretty good I got a little scared I wasn't gonna like the rest of the Metal Gear Solid series very much but this has gotten rid of all my worries. The leap in gameplay and graphics from the first game to this is MASSIVE. Stealth in MGS1 was comically simple and not really rewarding and the boss fights just weren't it cause of the clunky combat.

Now the stealth actually has depth. Enemies are smarter, you have time to take out a guard if it spots you instead of just triggering an alert, and when an alert is triggered you don't just hide under a table for 20 seconds. Combat is MGS2 is silky smooth and satisfying too. There's so many little moves you can pull off like stunning enemies with the coolant or hitting an enemy with a quick jab to stun them so you can put them in a chokehold. I expected to never get used to the very dated way you aim but it really does make hitting headshots far more rewarding. better combat means boss fights don't suck anymore and even if they did suck, it wouldn't matter too much because the game is mostly stealth now that it's actually complicated.

as for the story, it's one of if not my favorite in any video game. this is the first time I actually cried to a cutscene. every character is handled so skillfully. snake and otacon's relationship is really wholesome and raiden and rose's codec calls are beautifully written. and i love raiden's character design so much. cute guy.
and the cutscenes themselves are BY FAR the greatest in any video game I've ever played. kojima really has a good eye when it cinematography.

i love this game it's great you should be able to do cartwheels in every game

i beat this game start to finish thats crazy why would i do that