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1 day ago

1 day ago

Lead finished No Case Should Remain Unsolved
Pretty good detective game, great even for being so short. A girl named Seowon went missing and was never found leaving the case unsolved, until years later the retired detective who handled the investigation is urged to reexamine the details and try to figure out what happened to her

Searching through a mess of past conversations with the people relevant to the case, the goal of the game is to make sense of the detective’s distorted memories by reordering these conversations and assigning them to the right person, initially being confusingly jumbled until they gradually fit in proper order and you start to get an understanding of what was really going on. It’s only about 3 hours but found its mystery pretty compelling, and I liked the game’s simple pixel style and music which fit its moody tone really well

1 day ago

1 day ago

SkeletonGrimm67 earned the Replay '14 badge

1 day ago

waywardlaser earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

Lead earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

Lead commented on Lead's review of Nine Sols
@Acquiescence Hopefully it’ll come to consoles soon, more people need to play it lol

2 days ago

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