379 Reviews liked by dobbyshmurda

More than possibly any other in history, this game was and still is more than just a game. It was and is a historical event. This game united the world during one of the darkest periods in modern history, providing an escape to a colorful world of fun characters and a simulation of normalcy, in a world that had changed overnight to something anything but the normal we had known. And even as the pandemic has winded down, the game still has dozens of hours worth of content, and several ways to play. Talk to villagers, catch insects, go fishing, grow crops, farm for bells and supplies, travel to other islands, and in the recent DLC, design vacation homes for the villagers, with several options for customization. I've played over 300 hours of this game over the nearly two years it's been out, and I haven't got bored of it. It is bottomless in its replay value, as well as the cultural impact it's made. It is not only one of my favorite games ever made, but I'd argue one of the most important video games ever made, and easily one of if not the most iconic game on the Nintendo Switch. A truly historic game that has made its mark on history for all the right reasons.


You get the best mario games on switch plus mario sunshine. It's not on the eshop, but you can always find a physical copy

I remember getting this as a new year's gift when I was young, and I enjoyed it a lot. Nostalgia aside, it's not bad but pretty average. The music is pretty good though.

I used to be a lore guy.
I used to get so caught up in the specifics of details interlocking and having causal relationships to each other. Skyrim has none of that. Instead it has vibes. It's all vibes. When I was younger I tried to dig too deep and was resentful of what wasn't there. I'd kit it out with a billion mods and try to make it something it wasn't. Some games that could loosely be thrown in the same genre - New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Baldur's Gate, are novels with added dimension. Their art is text; the game around them is just their interface. In this realm, Skyrim cannot compare. But why would it? It's not literature, it's a virtual diorama. It's a gorgeous landscape accompanied by the beautiful soundtrack of Soule that, somehow, no matter the angle, is always serene and mystical.
I convinced myself I despised it, yet every few years I boot it up and go for a lovely little stroll around a familiar old countryside. There's a reason this has become such a totemic piece of culture.

This is a legitimately fantastic game and more people need to play it. Tight controls, unique levels and bosses, good music, and honestly just a really satisfying and fun platformer overall.

It took me 4 tries to finally get into Yakuza 0, and boy am I glad I kept trying.

With 20 minutes of opening cutscenes and a drawn out tutorial for the dull combat, Yakuza 0 doesn't put it's best foot forward. But push just a little further and it is very likely you'll fall in love with this game as much as I did.

What finally got me through that hump was being told by a friend to 'treat Yakuza like a TV show'. When the cutscenes start don't grab your phone, but some popcorn. Don't binge through the game, rushing to the next chapter or gameplay segment, but enjoy every moment.

Beyond straight-up walking simulators, Yakuza is one of the most story-focused games I've played. Not only are the cutscenes frequent and long, but they're expertly crafted and utterly engaging.

You won't play the side quests because you want to beat up another group of thugs but because you want to experience whatever zany plotline those thugs are connected to.

With stuffed with camp and featuring tons of heart, Yakuza has quickly become one of my all-time favorite franchises, and 0 is the perfect entry point.



The best modern shooter I’ve played in recent years and just one of the best games ever made, pure fun from beginning to end. Absolutely love everything about this game.

6 years of Sans Undertale

Great action combat that feels fantastic to play, fascinating world with lots of fun optional lore to hunt down, lots of great and engaging sidequests... loved it overall. Bit bummed that it just sorta ended on a very limp note and has a literal "buy the DLC for future adventures" comment by The Board at the end, and it suffers from the same complaint I have with the newer Wolfenstein games: if you ever get hit you sure do just get your health melted instantaneously, turning it into a desperate scramble for cover and health pickups. Still had such a good time with it overall that I'm excited to play the DLC and see what they do in the future, and so many of the video and audio logs are forever stuck in my head.

I love this even more than the first! Sure, it’s significantly less atmospheric, and it could have really done with some kind of story (thanks, Miyamoto!), but it more than makes up for it with some of the best level design in the entire franchise, as well as a superior postgame to the first.

Despite being for the Game Boy and having a relatively small scope compared to other Zeldas, this game is still really good! It feels like a dense experience in way that's very satisfying to get through, the aesthetics and characters are very charming and quirky which helps this game feel very distinct. The jumping mechanic is super well implemented, one of my favorite aspects of the game's design. It's used really well in the dungeons especially, which by the way, all have very well designed structures and puzzles. The story is also very cool! It's interesting to have a break from the typical Zelda and Ganon focused storylines and tell a story that's a bit more personal to Link himself. Maybe my favorite 2D Zelda game out of the ones I've played as of writing this.

Unexpectedly a great game especially from Ubisoft and Rabbids. The base game had some issues like awful backtracking after each world, having to find challenges, generic skill trees and felt awkward to control the group with Beep-0. The dlc fixes nearly all the issues and introduces a couple of great heroes. Backtracking isn't forced for any challenges or chests, challenges somewhat grouped, most of the skill trees are unique, controlling the group with a normal character, and brings Donkey Kong. Rabbid Peach is boring to play as but I guess they really wanted a generic healer. Hopefully the sequel improves on it more with Galaxy elements and makes the game harder.

Theres so many good elements about this game, but man does it have huge issues, and if you didnt grow up with it, its hard to look past. I adore the vibes of this game, and i think flood was a fun mechanic, but the level design is atrocious at times, and 100% is a nightmare. Wish I could love this game more than I do.

This game has a super-enthralling story for every case, fun and challenging puzzles, and an insanely good soundtrack. As some other people have said, the 5th case is incredibly boring and I never got around to finishing it because I couldn't stay into it. But hey that's just an extra case, the game has already been wrapped up nicely with a terrific little bow, so I still rate it 5 stars.

Supergiant's first game and you can already tell that the studio is going to become something special (spoiler alert: they did). A good action RPG game with an amazing soundtrack and a unique artstyle.