rating the franchise as a whole. fine to play mindlessly but hurt to pay any amount of real attention to. even then the story strays further and further from the original appeal of exploring recreated ancient settings and turns the attention on the dumbass end of the world plot.

a cool story to make a wiki about. a lot of concepts are pretty under baked compared to things that do similar things. probably more impressive to the average player. gameplay is simply fine, bioshock 1's gamelay but less engaging.

this game is boring as hell compared to the sequel, but even thats kinda sleepy after a while. dont feel the praises for the writing and the gameplay certainly isn't better.

the lore and fucking terrifying underwater atmosphere is pretty unmatched, the survival horror oriented gameplay is great too

a lot of bitching about the writing goes on but its hard to notice that over the unrelated yelling from your friends in the call. gameplay is better, but only marginally.

series as a whole. usually fun enough and not intrusive enough to interrupt the shittalking you're doing to your friends.

as of phase 1: massive fucking step down from his last project, legitimately fell asleep while reading with how shit this pacing gets. some good moments/interesting seeds planted for characters though, maybe it'll get better

dont care for the cast or plot. the only truly good things are the music and the look of the game and those wear off decently quick

anything would be a step up from dr1, i like the cast more and the plot goes interesting places. some very obnoxious parts about it regardless though

best/worst cast and by FAR the best plot, the only one with true staying power

mixing berserk and a bunch of other grimdark fantasy concepts together turned out well

giving this director racism was the best fucking idea this game is fucking stupid lmao

i had to restart this game at the very fucking least 5 times before i finished but at least it was worth it