Potential to be a "Discord game night with your friends" classic, but it could use some polish. The system on how you get views on the videos you record is extremely vague. You could have the most harrowing, gut wrenching, (GONE WRONG GONE SEXUAL) type of content ever filmed and it will only net you one third of the view "goal" you need. It also doesn't have the same "wtf" factor as the monsters in Lethal Company. The AI is seemingly way less complex than Lethal Company's. Overall it's a good concept, but needs a lot more work.

I come back to this game every couple of months to play with friends, and I don't think I've had a boring/bad experience every time I had played it. I normally tend to stay away from trendy "play with ur friends for 2 weeks" type of games but Lethal Company is genuinely good.

As far as metroid roguelikes go, it isn’t bad at all but there’s just better games out there. Like Dead Cells

An incredible, perfectly made CRPG that I wish I could go back and play for the first time. The truest DnD experience you could have in a video game. This is the type of game that gives me hope for the future of gaming.

Things I love: The world building, the characters, how everything is voice acted, an almost immersive sim type approach to every situation, different story permutations, choices that MATTER, engaging turn based combat with a huge amount of classes with their respective subclasses and incredible cinematics. This game should be the standard in which other games are produced.

My only complaints: The inventory UI is eh, there are some spells missing from 5e that could have been implemented in this game, and the LACK OF MORE DLCs BECAUSE I LOVE THIS GAME.

Yep, this game slaps.

Somehow fulfills the masculine urge to earn a CDL. Crank dat hog brother

I can't even give a proper review. This game changed my life.

The first time I played this game was maybe the fastest 6 hours I’ve ever wasted in my life

The characters and the environment were interesting enough to keep me going through a fairly boring game where you just drive from point A to point B. The writing was kind of a slog towards the end.

The game that threw that Yakuza formula on its head. I would say I found the turn based combat threw me off to the point where I finally got used to it halfway through because I’m so used to Yakuza being a beat em up. It’s not terrible, but it definitely feels stiff and restrictive when you compare it to Infinite Wealth. Also the dungeons weren’t as good as the newer game either. I would say the amount of activities and side content along with the story is amazing and they nailed it. The MC is also extremely likeable which is what I find important in Yakuza games as well.

Definitely a good switch up on the Yakuza formula, but it’s very rough compared to playing something like Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

I don’t even feel like giving this a proper review to be honest. Bored to death the whole time I played it. I would rather put a toothpick in my big toenail and kick a wall than play this slop again.

The only thing more dangerous than the local subterranean insect population and laser gun wielding robots is your own teammates who individually have the same weapon funding as the United States defense budget.

Excellent turn-your-brain-off game to kill time for me. I would be lying if I didn’t sink like 90+ hours in my playthrough on it. I’m just not a huge fan of playing games that feel like you’re doing chores. At least Stardew makes it feel fun.

One of those games I think about every now and then. I came in expecting a serious crime drama. I got that, and a cabaret club manager game with karaoke. I love games that scratch my ADHD itch to just allow me to run around and bullshit outside of doing the main sotry. Yakuzo 0 has plenty of content for that. I love this game with my whole heart.

Given how well received this game was, I was surprised by how mediocre it really was. The main gameplay loop of catching fish and doing the waiter game was fun for maybe the first 5 hours or so and then it just got stale. It just feels shallow to me despite the irony of it being a diving game.

Probably the greatest game I've ever played in my life. This is the game in which I use as a standard for other games. I will forever glaze Elden Ring until I die. The quintessential Souls game. The perfect culmination of everything FromSoftware has done from Demon Souls. I love this game.