3 reviews liked by doomsaying

This game looks way better artistically than most contemporary games out there without the fancy modern graphical tech. Interiors also look really beautiful.

Few complaints about this one. It's just a good game with a straight forward story. Gameplay is a lot of fun, gives multiple choices on how to tackle obstacles or enemies, the sense of flow and weight when you traverse environments is also very enjoyable.

One aspect I highlight are the animated sequences, they add substantially to the game's style and character in my opinion.

A game with soul.

Man, I don't know why but I just can't get into this game. It feels like I'm just going from location to location & I'm always eager to leave where I am and get to the next location. Maybe I'm missing something because a lot of people say this game's good but I don't know.

Gameplay & art direction good, story written by an infant.