341 Reviews liked by dotsandloops

What the fuck. That was great!

When you bring back a classic as a remake, this is how it's done. A remake that is familiar and yet, makes you feel like you are experiencing it all for the first time.

Amazing remake of an amazing game. Some aspects, like the characters and story, are improved while others, like the boss fights, are more lateral changes. The only negative is the game still dragging at the end despite all the changes. In fact the increased length can make the dragging feel worse than the original in some spots. Overall, just as solid as the original with enough new surprises to keep it interesting.

Everything the original did well but times 100. Less filler bosses too while still keeping its meaty and fulfilling length. New mechanics such as knife parries are very welcome and help when surrounded allowing for difficult yet doable encounters with enemies. Story is about the same quality as the original but the presentation makes it more engaging and entertaining most of the time. Perfect remake!

Esse jogo é muito bom, muito divertido, quando ele é bem executado, ele é excepcional, mas tem uns pontos em que o faz decair, sendo uma reimaginação do antigo, esse jogo tem muitos cortes de conteúdo, é um jogo curto e também não abusa do backtracking igual a o anterior, ele não é um jogo ruim, pois seus gráficos e cenas são incríveis, expressões faciais muito boas, atuações muito boas, dublagem impecável e sua trilha sonora vai melhorando com o passar do jogo, pra quem não comparar com o antigo, a nota pode aumentar, mas ele é muito falho como um remake.

Review in progress:
In spite of being pretty heinous, this game has like, unreasonably polished sound design and visuals. I particularly like how the lighting works, as it's seemingly 3D in a 2D game. It's really cool when you walk over some floorboards and the light filters through the cracks, or reflects off a background detail in a realistic way. Gameplay is also super tight, and refreshingly challenging. I love all the immersive-sim style shit where you can light things on fire by destroying braziers and such.
Anyhoo, Woodoo signing off.

Played this for a bit at the arcade and it's pretty badass! Might have to emulate at some point

Haven't played it in quite some time, but this had to have been the coolest mobile game ever. In Ridiculous Fishing, you fish with an anchor instead of a lure. You reel in as many fish at a time as you damn well please. You launch those fuckers as far as you can into the stratosphere before loudly, viscerally blasting them to fish giblets with your trusty fishing blunderbuss. Only docking points cuz they have yet to legalize that shit irl.

Ravens will see this and think "hell yeah".

If not the best game I've ever played, AC6 is defo the coolest. Not only does it play smooth as smooth surfaces, every moment of every level is a cooler set-piece than the last— every explosion worthy of a trailer shot. While I could spend awhile talking about all the little FromSoft details squeezed into this masterpiece, I don't think I'd do them justice, and honestly, blowing shit up is the best part anyway. If you're a fan of either of those, you've no excuse not to core.

This game fucking rocks, in my opinion the only soulslike on par with actual FromSoft games. Atmosphere, story, level design, combat (especially bosses) were all top notch. Enemy encounter design was solid too, they just usually weren't all that threatening in my experience (though I think I'm in the minority there, so probably disregard?). With that aside, this is absolutely a must play if you're into From games, Bloodborne especially. Super hyped to go back and 100% soon.