The first game got improved a lot, the other two are fine but with controls a little bit more slippery or not that well adapted.

A game balanced between many good aspects but also many bad aspects. While the graphics, music and level design of some levels are cool, there's many problems with things like boring gimmicks, extremely simple level design and completing the game to the 100% is more of a chore.

It's been a while since I've enjoyed a platform game that much.

While It starts very well with weird lateral puzzles and an unique art style, the second half is more about logical puzzles revolving around putting cubes.
If it wasn't for the first impression It gives, It wouldn't be that much praised about and It isn't that hard either.

This game is dysfunctional in almost every aspect It tries, It can barely apply what It tries decently. Just get it for the quest mods like Cascadia, Fallout 4: New Vegas, Capital Wastelands or Miami. Fallout 76 is a better game and I'm NOT kidding.

Kinda think is better than Fallout 4 vanilla but no mods so don't buy this game.

At least wandering around It's cool and you can roleplay something even if it's not too much, unlike Fallout 4.


just play a few matches in the demo and that's all.

most people seems not to get over this game and that's too bad. It's a great experience that teaches a valuable lesson about losing what you made and most people who say It's bad surely did not care about understanding the controls.
The only problem I have would be that after passing the orange hell, It's impossible for someone to go back to the bottom unless they try on purpose or get the bad ending.


It seems most people that have played this game don't know what thights and calves are.

If you say Ashley is annoying, that means that you've the attention span of a golden fish.

Just play the game with mods and some friends.

It's no masterpiece but It's something like a rollercoaster.
I recommend you to play it once and that's it.

The AI isn't terrible, you're simply incompetent.

**** you if you think Warped or the first are the best ones, THIS is the best of the trilogy