Great concept but I feel like I wasn't able to enjoy the game as much as I would have liked to due to bugs. I played on the Xbox Gamepass PC version so other platforms may have had fewer issues. There were several times when I had to put the game down and stop playing for some time until an update was released. The devs have really been listening to feedback and fixing things quickly though, so I would still recommend the game just maybe wait until more things get ironed out if you plan to play it through Gamepass.

(This review was copied over from howlongtobeat and represents my experience on my logged finishing date of Feb 5, 2022 so bugs may be fixed now)

Good game but became very frustrating to play.

The environment still looked good in my opinion, and it was an enjoyable shooter. I was surprised at how different this was from the now traditional Far Cry formula. It felt almost like a semi-open world DOOM at times. The AI is wack though and enemies will detect you through anything so good luck.

Flicky filled me with so much rage that I was determined to beat the game. If I had to play this without save states I 100% would not have finished. This game infuriated me in a way I did not expect it to when that lizard started going across the screen in places where the platforms weren't even were I knew it was over for me. I was fighting for my life to get those chicks to the exit, and when I finally got the completion screen I felt a great relief wash over me.

Retroactively reviewing this to say that it is a must play and I've thought about it often since playing it in 2022.


One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Really well made and immersive. This has been in my backlog for years and I'm glad I finally got around to playing it. Not too much I can say without spoiling things, but this feels like such a loving creation and a work of art.

I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. The environments were gorgeous and the gameplay was fun and engaging!

I love logic puzzles so this was a great game for me since this was a clever way to present one in a video game. Every time I successfully solved something it felt incredibly satisfying. Any time I made a connection it made me feel like a genius. The visual style felt really unique, and the soundtrack was fantastic. The game deserves the praise it's gotten.

I played through the PS3 HD Collection version of the game. I enjoyed the actual gameplay a lot more than I thought I would. I've been wanting to check out the God of War franchise for a while, and for the most part, the first game still holds up. The platforming in the path to hades level drove me insane though it was harder for me than the final boss battle. I also really liked the treasures included (viewing these was not counted as part of my time completing the game) and it was nice to see a more interactive version of the development process like an area with rejected monsters and models.

This is one of the best RPGs I have ever played. I spent 10 months with it and it immersed me in a way few other games have. I am sad that I've finished it and I loved the gameplay, story, and my god that soundtrack is incredible!

I waited so long for this game to come to PC, and it was worth it. Really nailed giving the player the feeling that they are Spider-Man. Only complaint is by the end of the DLC some of the content felt repetitive (I'm a proud Screwball hater) and I would've liked to see more side missions instead.

The intro to episode 2 is probably one of my favorite things I've ever seen in a game and I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing.


I'm not super into platformers but have been wanting to check this one out for awhile. Really beautifully crafted game. I'm especially fond of the level design and the way you're guided through them. As someone not as experienced with the genre I can often get frustrated or confused when the direction isn't clear and I felt like the developers did a good job at directing me where to go without it feeling too forced. The soundtrack is also fantastic.

While I didn't love it as much a 999, this was still a fantastic entry that continued the series.

If you're familiar with the movie Pontypool, this may be up your ally since it draws inspiration even having a reference to it in the game. Otherwise I really enjoyed the concept and format in which the puzzles were presented.