loveee everything up until like mike and trevor reuniting. the rest of the game is just too brittle and poopy i'm sorry even the setpieces that are fun aren't all that fun idk

bumping this up a star for the hottie statue i know thats right

fun with friends and very intense outlast funny funsies. wish there was some more enemy variety tho and more main monsters than just policeman and goose mama. setpieces are great but is kinda fizzed away in the chaos of it all - but it's so funny to look back on this game made me scream like no other. the graphics are amazing and it runs super well. being able to play chess is why 50% of my playtime is spent in the lobby. it can be a wee bit tedious when you get gassed with psychosis juice every five seconds but other than that this is pretty good.

when "our best selves" pops up on the map its so over

this fucks idk the perfect blend of hilarious and horifying, fun concept fun funfun! fun aesthetic too but stutters sooo much

playdead knows balance like no other everything here from the game design to the art direction is teeter tottering on that perfect razor sharp line. the puzzles are the most accessible but are enough to make you feel like a boss when u figure them out. animation, composition, camera work, art direction, SOUND DESIGN SOUND DESIGN SOUND DESIGN, first class. buuuuuttt this is very trial and error based which halts it a bit but replays breeze past when you know what to do. god that pulse section can eat me out

horse when i hold w it means go forward not spin around until you throw yourself off a cliff and die and when i respawn you are not there. im still mourning yes

poopypoo slog "story game haters wait till you try this" blehhh. gameplay is insufferable and some scenes are pretty solid, but it's just not the magnum opus yall think it is we all need to collectively forget about this franchise its getting tired. a 4090 for ultra? the pc port for this was so

for a game about challenging black and white world views it still is so black and white. neil ur allegories are shallow and also just plain incorrect. this needed rewrites upon rewrites and is also just a slog for the sake of it. u had a chance to reinvent the wheel if you didn't stick with the glorified aaa rollercoaster ride, something is hidden beneath the rough of it all but not much of this is concentrated except that final final scene i cant bring myself to like this anymore i just cant!!!!!!!!! i cant!!!!!! its gotta vibe to it though so that saves it a little bit

no the story isnt that great until the latter part of chapter 3 but this game just gotta vibe to it its just what a world

leon and ada having a bob off

im gonna go with harriet tubman

maybe the most meh and fine game ever created. this is most probably nostalgia wrapping me up into some fuckass unbreakable trance of dissatisfaction, and the original re4 isn’t the best game out there but yes it is oh it so fucking is. such dry campiness and mechanics just barely clicking together into something magnetic. sure i can be giddy when a fave of mine is remade but this is just snuffed from the stuff that enkindled the original traded for a saturated sludgefest. i just sense a disconnect from everything and i don’t know if i can say that i actually enjoyed this game, what is this game’s tone??? loved the metroidvania style of re2make but they shot themselves in the foot with this one because what made the og so great was its reinvention that has since then been trivialized, so there is nothing new about this. if re7 was a half return to the formula i feel like with this it’s starting to veer off again.
