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else completed Star Fetchers
I'm a big fan of what they're trying to make happen here. It's gonna be peak, just gotta wait.

23 hrs ago

else reviewed Katana Zero
This game is all killer no filler. The combat, the music, the story, the aesthetics. Everything is razor sharp in quality. I just need more please!

2 days ago

else completed Katana Zero

2 days ago

else completed Left 4 Dead 2

2 days ago

2 days ago

else completed Hades

2 days ago

2 days ago

else reviewed Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Surprisingly wasn't my thing. I just do not fw mmo esque combat systems and the story was not nearly interesting enough to make me try to get through it.

2 days ago

2 days ago

else earned the N00b badge

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

else reviewed The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Everything gamplay wise is massively expanded upon from botw, you can do a lot but sometimes it's frustrating gathering all the things for your experiment for it just not to work. The story is just nothing, the champions from botw were some of my favorite parts of that game. But they've been replaced with souless husk ancestor characters. As for the decendents I only like Sidon.

2 days ago

else completed Suika Game

2 days ago

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