it's cheesy alright but it was kinda fire
i liked the ending, had an interesting twist
also one of the most criminally underrated cod mps, but this is a campaign review

the post-credits cutscene was the best part of the campaign

multiplayer is horrid, but i'm ranking this based off the campaign, which is solid but absolutely nothing special (shocker)
love how iw's boner for ghost hasn't went away after all these years though

where the fuck is renfield

this game makes me feel like a god. i love pegging

while it still retains a solid chunk of the core halo gameplay (the only reason this game isn't just straight up BAD), it still has some hard miss points in the gameplay, with the prometheans just being MUCH less fun to fight compared to the covenant. the story is just, silly, honestly. a bunch of characters not present in any bungie halo game come in and act important with no personality whatsoever, cortana's arc is just silly and made me laugh at multiple points, but the level design wasn't bad (i thought the piloting part at the beginning of the last mission was kinda ass and the pelican section was just SUPER underwhelming though) and fighting the covenant was quite a joy, much to my surprise. i recommend big bungie halo fans to play this game cause it was fun ENOUGH for me personally.
don't touch the multiplayer though lol

update 10/14/21 im replaying through it solo legendary after finding out theres an achievement for it and i was too nice to this game lol

the laid to rest cover makes me want to self harm

one of the most explosive starts to a game series of all time, halo ce comes at you instantly with escaping the maze-like pillar of autumn and crash landing onto a gorgeous landscape located on an artificial "planet" of sorts known as halo. from there on, you explore some of the most iconic levels of all time with some of the most satisfying gameplay an fps has ever seen (not to mention how innovative the console controls were for its time). the game is truly a timeless classic, and, while it's not perfect by any means (the library is fun the first time and painful during any replays, having to backtrack through 3 different levels isn't exactly the greatest level design), it's DAMN fun and should get anyone hooked on the halo series.

the song list is amazing, the engine is peak, and the story is beautifully stupid and charming

to put it as shortly as i can, persona 4 isn't the greatest video game, but its world, characters, story, interactions, etc. are absolutely wondrous.

an excellent spinoff that retains the classic, loveable halo gameplay and level design (some of the best levels in the series), with a nice, different take on the world of halo. the rookie levels have a really nice atmosphere and really help set the mood, but could've afforded to be a bit shorter, and the game could've afforded to be a bit longer with an extra full mission or two thrown in there (but it's understandable as to why it's short since it wasn't MEANT to be a $60 game)

this game starts out very strong, and continues for awhile, falls off a bit in the last third or so, falls off even moreso near the end, but the very end saves it all and made me forget about it for a moment. one of the things i consistently didn't like about this game were the boss fights - they just wouldn't stagger ever, dealt like 1/3 of my hp every hit while i'm playing on normal, and maybe this is my fault but every time they would do one of their mystic artes i couldn't for the life of me figure out how to stop it despite the characters' dialog alluding to a way to stop it. i also didn't like the cp system, think it needs a rework, and the xp gain seemed very weird. i played on hard (minus boss fights) for like half the game and barely avoided encounters, even went out of my way for encounters a few areas, but nearing the end i seemed pretty far behind on levels. maybe i just avoided more encounters than i thought lol
alphen and shionne are fucking awesome though and i am very happy with my collector's edition purchase :)

i don't really think this game has a fault. it's infinitely replayable and just tons of fun with friends at all time, unlocking everything is super fun and the game is simple enough for anyone to pick up and play