this is the cod game that made people realize cod campaigns can have awesome stories and then they failed to match it ever again lol
definitely the best cod campaign though

why do they got boxes on their heads. are they ugly

i haven't played it or even the original re4, i just know

top tier story, near-top tier level design (long night of solace is the only one i don't love), top tier gameplay, good balancing on legendary difficulty. an absolute masterpiece for sure

i watched 2 people get murdered at ozzfest while my create-a-character played alongside ozzy osbourne and i was so good at guitar, jimi hendrix came back to life just to shred with me

also this game has l'via l'viaquez

easily the 2nd best jrpg i've played (2nd to symphonia). game is honestly just as good as symphonia, with tons of improvements in various areas...
...but if i'm being dead honest it was just how annoying karol was that makes me like symphonia more

lower tier level design and story than cod usually has, but one thing it has that really sticks out is the rpg-like upgrades system you have that i think was an AWESOME addition to cod campaign and should've became a staple. also made playing the game on veteran more bearable which was nice

one shot into heat on veteran is the most offensive thing i've ever had to experience in a video game

what i believe to be a nearly-perfect game. the levels are all TONS of fun (yeah, even cortana) and the sandbox is bigger than ever with tons of cool new vehicles and weapons added from halo 2's already vast and exciting sandbox. the gameplay feels as good as ever, and the story is super enjoyable (i just wish we saw more shipmaster)

if i had to say ONE bad thing about halo 3's campaign, it'd just be that i wish we had health again, so it could pave the way for a more balanced legendary difficulty, and considering legendary is still eons better than halo 2's and tons of fun, it's hardly a bad thing.

(campaign only)
it had an entertaining story, the standard and fun cod campaign gameplay loop, and did some out of the ordinary things for a cod campaign that i found quite fun. all the endings kinda suck though

easily the best rpg i've ever played with obscene amounts of charm in every nook and cranny of the game, amazing characters, engaging story, and most importantly, GOOD GAMEPLAY in a jrpg. the game has definitely aged in some areas though (i think the graphics are still fine though tbh), and the dungeon puzzles can be pretty fucking annoying to finish when you have to backtrack the entire damn thing sometimes

i don't really think this game has a fault. it's infinitely replayable and just tons of fun with friends at all time, unlocking everything is super fun and the game is simple enough for anyone to pick up and play

the past missions feel like a true black ops 2 and are definitely the highlight. the future missions were pretty mid barring a few of them. easily one of the best cod campaigns regardless

don't have much to say on the campaign as it's just your standard, fun cod campaign with a silly but enjoyable story and characters.