This is probably my favorite game in the Yakuza franchise, no joke
At first I was conflicted about the combat changes but it's really refreshing after years and years of tiger dropping and button mashing enemies AND Ichiban as a main character is what the series needed imo. He's really likeable and his party of characters is equally as interesting to me, he's the opposite of Kiryu whilst being all the same and I think it really adds to his character. From the jump he's an engaging character and the lore that surrounds him is actually so good I LOVE THE STORY IN THIS GAME I cannot ever fully express how much I enjoyed this game it was so good this game is so good Ichiban is so good I'm in love with him forever!!!

I hated every second of the Ichiban & Saeko forced romance storyline, however, the game itself is very fun! It's very lively with strong summer vibes (unsurprisingly), despite the ending being kind of meh it still leaves me excited to see where Ichiban will go in future games :D
As an added note, the 3jima boss fight was, in my opinion, the best boss fight in the entire game i mean BRO i could dissect the whole fight but thats corny so i'm just giving it a shoutout

this game made me feel a rage never felt before

Spoilers, obviously:
I mean like, wow, that's all I can say about this game because WOW. When I first played the original game back in like 2020 I was actually amazed with how well made it was, so when Miles Morales came out and rumors about a Spider-Man 2 started going around I was like, damn, how are they gonna top this?? BROOO they took everything that the other games had and improved it exponentially like I OH MY GOD the combat, the downtime periods, the puzzles, the side missions, the new ways you can traverse New York, the world building, the character writing, etc etc. It's all just so impressive especially because the other games are so amazing on their own its like actually so crazy how they managed to make another game that managed to exceed my expectations.
As for the story, man... I was immersed the whole time, I'd play for a few hours, get off, and just sit and think about everything that happened in awe. Harry reuniting with MJ and Peter (also just Harry in general, he was such an interesting character), the multiple different plots going on with Peter and Miles (specifically the Miles and Martin Li narrative), then you have like Kraven and Venom and like everything ever I'M OBSESSED W THE STORY i cried like 20 times throughout my first playthrough, I get emotional easily and the stories they tell in this game just really got me.
If they do end up making a Spider-man 3 or release a few DLC's like they did the first game you better believe i'm gonna eat that shit up like it's nobody's business bcs my GOD im so invested in this story and the little after credits scene with Norman and Otto is making me think so many thoughts bruh 😭 I can't wait to see what else they do with this series, it's legitimately one of the best things I've ever experienced

I wanted to give this game a try and a MAJOR benefit of the doubt due to me being an actual diehard Borderlands fan but like... this game just isn't that fun? No fun farms worth doing, the mobbing gets redundant after a while, and the fact you have to pay actual money to get different character abilities is absurd 😭 I mean the story is fine, the idea is good just executed poorly. Despite all this the game isn't SO horrible, I know a lot of bl2 meatriders who refuse to even acknowledge bl3 or the games that came after it. This game could definitely be better but it's not worth the amount of money you could potentially spend on it...

This review contains spoilers

The way you get to play as Clementine and be a parental figure to AJ literally killed me on my first playthrough 💔💔💔 the way they give you Lee flashbacks with AJ is messed upppppp PLUS. THE ACTUAL LEE FLASHBACK ON THE TRAIN? I was in tears I was horribly unwell, omgg and when I thought Clementine was gonna die the same way Lee did. Dawg. I was sobbing I was kicking and screaming this is like the perfect ending to their story, her and AJ finally found a home and (if you decided to romance one of them) Clementine has someone she can care for without having to worry about leaving them behind (Javi's nephew can suck it I hated that kid)

This game is... alright. The characters aren't that engaging and the ending is kind of meh too, I also think the last minute bi representation with Javi is stupid likeeee i'm all for it but WHY would you make this thing that could be crucial to his character happen in the last 5 minutes of the game?? Whatever, at the end of the day the game isn't that good but it isn't that bad either, they wanted to try something different with the storytelling so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt

When I was a kid I literally didn't even get the vulgarity at ALL bcs, well, I was a kid when this game came out LOL but I've recently been replaying it and mannn I know not a lot of people fancy this game and I might be blinded by nostalgia but it is soooo FUN!! The story, the character interactions, really cheesy but still insanely enjoyable.... collecting like 1,000 clusters sucks ass though

This is one of those games where the true ending never fails to make me cry. I could play and rewatch this game over and over again and still feel the same emotional impact. The soundtrack is what mostly lured me into the game, however, I still find the cheesy humor and the slow revelation of lore as charming as the first time I experienced it. The way events build up to a greater message / scene is also really charming, it has a lot of replayability (at least to me) and all of the characters never fail to make me smile. I LOVE THIS GAME! Asgore's theme is one of the best ones LISTEN TO IT IMMEDIATELY

One word: WHAT.
I have so many complaints about the main story and enemies but just, no way to say them. The best parts of the DLC are when you're NOT playing the main story. This cannot be real, simply unfathomable how they managed to make a character as interesting as Hammerlock one of the most boring DLC's...

I'm a huge cookie run fan, have been for years, and this game gave me lore for so many characters I liked.. however, the more you level up the more expensive and timely things are. Sure, that's normal, but having to wait like 5 hours to get 3 things gets boring really fast. Additionally, the decision to make the cookie max level 70 unbalanced a lot of things, likewise with the ascension, and now that they've brought candies into the mix, fighting in the arena as a f2p player isn't all that fun.

This game sucks.
Constant disconnects, stupidly unbalanced weapons, map designs are horrible, and the story mode was... okay. I'm hoping the DLC is actually good bcs if not there's literally no redeeming qualities for this shit stain of a sequel :P
Plus let's not even talk about the fact you can rank down now?? That's stupid. The catalog is stupid. AND THE CAMPAIGN???? ..... don't even get me STARTED on the story of this game, WTF?? i mean not only did they recycle a boss AGAIN but this time, instead of having unique octarian bosses its just the idols?? AND BIG MANS FIGHT WAS SO STUPID, PLUS, THE FINAL BOSS WAS SO. BORING. THE WHOLE THING WAS SO BORING. THIS GAME HAS LIKE 0 CHARM COMPARED TO SPLAT 1 AND 2 AND ITS SOOOO INFURIATING!! IF YOU ARENT USING A BUSTED ASS WEAPON (WHICH IS LIKE OVER HALF OF THEM ANYWAY) YOU MIGHT AS WELL NOT EVEN PLAY BCS THE WEAPON SELECTION IS ASS

this is one of my favorite games ever ive even done speedruns for it countless of times I LOVE PUNCHOUT

the campaign was actually really cool to me, gameplay is pretty nice too, but overall I mostly like it for the campaign

me and my brothers would play that infection mode and they would get infected and protect me 😋 fun times !!