Played this while insanely drunk and it was the worst night of my life

i have a guy named krognak and he rules

You didn't deserve your dark fate

im really fucking trying guys i cant get it to click with me

sometimes i build a really successful park and then start killing everyone all at once and relish in the ones already in the lines who cant escape. i imagine a mass crowd crush trying to escape.

played this as a kid i was screamin like wild

Gameplay carries. And so does Dr. Blaylock

I'm addicted to crashing into my childhood elementary school

there's something about losing your child that scares you in a way you aren't really prepared for. and she's not even REAL

really truly have tried. i just can't get into it

if I ever see another fucking tilt puzzle I'm blowing my head clean off

I am no articulate game reviewer. I don't know why I like things, only that I do. And as such allow me to eschew nuanced discussion in favor of expressing my feelings.

There was never a point where I felt frustrated. Never a point where I felt like I was not enjoying this game. Through tears and excited shouts I enjoyed my time in this game. A time I will continue to enjoy even now that I have "beaten" the game. I cannot wait to go back in and see what I've missed.

This game, from the bottom of my heart, I feel is a masterpiece.

What a fucking game.

I don't think children are built to be able to beat the final boss. I'm 22 and that shit hard as fuck. I have to be honest some of these puzzles for children really humbled me. I think i am stupid