The Lost Levels is an exhibition of game designer's sadism. Thanks to saves after each level on SNES they lead you through all these tough levels as in museum and say like: look, that's how we made Famicom players suffer back in the days.
Honestly levels themselves look pretty fun when you have infinite amount of attempts but you won't relax playing them. That's a bad thing about the game. Despite you put a lot of efforts beating the game you don't satisfy. I assume that's because complexity level is abnormal here and it feels artificial. So as for me I just wanted to complete the game sooner and not return to it anymore. Just to try on my own all this complexity and to put it into backlog of completed Mario parts.
I several times imagined myself beating it on Famicom without save possibility. I believe I would spend months or maybe years to do it :)
In general it looks more like DLC for original Super Mario Bros. But all the history behind the game makes it must play for Mario fans. But perhaps only for them.

"Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"(c)
I eventually beat the game. No Save states, just original NES, Mario and me. That's a kind of a milestone for me. I moved towards this day more than 25 years of my life :)
Super Mario Bros. was the first serious video game I played being a child. That time I was crazy about it. I woke up in the morning and immediately ran to my non-color TV set which parents allowed to use for gaming. I spent a lot of mornings playing same levels of Mario and that's curious how I wasn't tired of doing this again and again. I think I stuck somewhere in the world 4 those days.
A lot of time has passed, I completed a lot of more modern Super Mario games and finally I returned to the origins. I must admit the game is really difficult. Till the world 7 it's pretty straightforward but then it punishes you for every small mistake or loosing of concentration.
That was a surprise for me that the game has just 3.5 on this resource while I always counted it to be a great classic. So I'd like to be an advocate for it in front of modern gamers auditory.
This game is great because it aged just perfectly. It's still interesting, challenging and creative. No matter how many new Mario games you finished this one will be able to surprise you. Good prove of these words is that it was not annoying to pass through start worlds again and again as in childhood. Because you always have a chance to pass them perfectly and hence to have more extra lives for really difficult levels.
Music here is just a magic. I know these themes by heart from a childhood. Even being repeated hundreds of times they're not annoying.
The game motivates you to be creative. Even this early Mario had a lot of secrets hidden on the levels. Ones which give you extra life or bunch of coins. Finding them without any guides is a pure enjoyment. Closer to the end you really need to follow strategy to beat the level with minimal loose of your lives. And also plan a strategy for entire world.
I think the main reason why people not fully enjoy the game nowadays is this glorious feature of Save states and replays in NSO or just on any other emulator. It removes from the game all the challenge. But it's essential here. Without feeling of excitement and a risk of loosing everything you don't get even 10% of enjoyment. I beat game last year on NSO using replays. I felt just nothing at the end.
I'm proud to join the club of Super Mario Bros. completers. You really think you could pass the game without modern replay feature? I bet you won't ;)

For Super Mario series the game is just average.
Speaking about 2D Marios this part is a next one after outstanding Super Mario World games from SNES. And of course taking this fact into account I expected a lot more from the game. But this game obviously suffers from a crisis of ideas. SMB 3, SMW, SM64 all of them got us used to new innovative mechanics, new creative puzzles and a great level of immersion into the game. This part tries to follow this approach but hardly manages to do it. The game is very secondary. Levels design can not offer you anything extremely new, there is minimum of really creatively hidden coins and difficulty level is rather low. In my opinion this point is especially annoying. Instead of thinking of really difficult platforming elements or not standard level design creators just force you to get certain power-up on one of the previous levels in order to collect 3 big coins from a current level. It looks very artificial and doesn't gives you enough satisfaction for beating of such levels. But worthy to say that closer to the end games becomes more difficult and hence more fascinating. What for enemies they're pretty standard for the franchise. Not all of new enemies which appeared in the game feel matching Mario world what also negatively interfere the game's atmosphere.
Probably the only thing which was really new in comparison with previous parts was cute graphics and soundtrack. Nowadays after playing more modern Mario games it won't surprise you but back in a day I assume it was really impressive. Especially taking into account handheld type of the system where you played the game. Probably this aspect and nostalgia about legendary Super Mario Bros games leaded to over 30 millions of sold copies. And that was a surprise for me that the game has been sold almost 3 times better than SM64 on Nintendo 64.
Ideas here seem to be just drafts for further games in the series. Let's say 3 big coins in 99% percent are easily available for a player. Later developers started hiding them really well and it became one of the main challenge to find them all. Spending of these collected coins give you just opportunity to open new mushroom-house with power-ups and save the game when later you'll need collectable items in order to move to another world.
For me all these weaknesses of the game are largely explained by the team who developed the project. That was not a team directed by Shigeru Miyamoto but a team of Shigeyuki Asuke (who surprisingly will lead development of Super Mario Bros Wonder later). Asuke tried to follow the main concepts of original creator but for me didn't have such a good feeling of the series and appropriate level of taste.
Nevertheless that's still a nice game. It's still about our favourite Mario, Bowser and Peach. It still can surprise you in several places and gifts you feel of satisfaction for beating of several difficult and tricky levels.
IMO it still has an important place in series since it became a fundament for the series growing and development.

Just around a year ago I've heard about Nintendo 64 for the very first time. I was not a big fan of Nintendo, had been completing some Switch hits by that moment. First Zelda from Switch online made me fall in love with Nintendo titles and woke up my interest to games from past generations. Back then I watched reviews of Nintendo 64 with calm excitement and just could dream about having my own console. A year later I've been already diving into Super Mario 64 collecting stars and trying to set princess Pitch free for another innumerable time.
The game is really great. After almost 20 years since its debut it still pulls you in. There are couple of reason for that. Firstly it's inventive and not tedious. There are bunch of mechanics and nice puzzles from the beginning to the end which you really like to master. Secondly level design is developed with huge attention to details, you really feel it. Thirdly it has a balanced level of complexity. To complete the game you need to collect major part of hidden stars. That means you really need to learn almost every course quite well, facing majority of the ideas which game has prepared for you. It's nice point in comparison with modern Marios. Where you can just run through majority of levels and so get to the final titles missing bigger part of content on this way.
I even don't take into attention how inventive it was on the date of its releasing. And what's curious it's played absolutely nice in techical aspect. Strange-looking N64 controller appeared to be a super comfotable pad. Analogue stick feels great. I really like it. The only problem you need to get accustomed to old-fashioned camera. But you don't notice any inconveniences with it after several hours of playing.
As other games from Super Mario series it opened up for me when you want to beat it 100% and need to collect all hidden things. This particular game was a real challenge for me. I decided not to use any help from Internet and just see how many stars I'll be able to find by myself. I even couldn't expect that I'll finish up with all stars except one. That took a lot of time and efforts but I'm really proud by this achievement. Only experience of previously completed Mario games gave me a chance to accomplish that. Also that just proves there are almost no silly unlogical puzzles in the game what is great.
Soundtrack is brilliant as usually. Some themes are so warm and return you back into the childhood. All melodies match the spirit of the levels 100%.
In general the game feels very holistic. Despite the world is very small it was still an attempt to build an open world which you'd like to discover. And team managed to build it.
Why the game is not ideal? In my analysis of the game during its walktrough I was permanently jumping between marks 9 and 10. So till the very last moment I was thinking about 10 but still it's 9. First of all I asked myself a question: will I play it again any time later? The answer is probably no. After beating it 100% I don't think I'll be happy to to try it again struggling with camera and solving puzzles which I've already solved before. Another thing there were couple of courses which I didn't like for their atmospere. It was so uncomfortable for me so I hardly forced myself to beat them. And lastly this last hidden star which I couldn't find without help from Internet.. It made me a bit disappointed. Even during the month of constant playing I'm not sure I could find it somehow :)
Also one curious observation I made during playing one of the courses. Game there was so similar to Zelda Ocarina of Time that it was even fun. Dungeon, darkness, spiders and ability to hit your enemies? For me Mario and Link have never been so close as now. Later I read that Ocarina of Time was built on the same engine SM64 had been. That explained a lot of things.
Finally I'd say don't be afraid to give this game a chance if you think it went outdated. Those generation games have their own charm and attraction. Maybe you needed to grow up that time to understand it better.. I'm not sure. But they give you a feeling modern games can only pretend to give.

I've heard multiple times about the game from Nintendo fans. All of them mentioned that it's one of the best not well-known games on switch.
I had some scepticism around mixing of Mario and Rabbids universes in one game that's why I postponed to start it many times.
At last I decided to give it a chance and I was not disappointed at all. It's a cute, funny and imaginative game which puts you into its world. It has nice soundtrack and animations of similar quality level as original Mario games do have.
I'm always looking for games which gives you enough level of challenge. And this one was great in that sense. It's like primitive version of chess when some matches require you to plan several steps in advance.
From negative sides I'd put some monotony in battles and puzzles. And that's probably it. Otherwise definitely must play for all Nintendo/Mario fans.

For me this game became a hidden gem. I learnt about it just occasionally and after completing demo I immediately bought a full version.
Perfect thing to play an hour or so before going to sleep.
As for language learning lover that's a real gift. Story is interesting, visual style is perfect. Puzzles are rather tricky. One time closer to the end I had to check playthrough on YouTube to resolve the puzzle.
So totally recommend! I definitely will take a closer look to games like this in future.

Nice game, with good humour and cute characters. I liked plot as well.
At the same time it's too simple, and battles are monotonous what's annoying.
Can recommend it for Mario world lovers. That was nice to touch classics game from SNES in such modern wrap.

I played it around 15 years ago but not finished at that time. Now I recalled warm feelings about the game and finally decided to complete it.
This game made me hate it at last.
Despite weird but funny humour and characters, cool atmosphere, game spoiled my relationship to it by redundant difficulty.
I tried to complete penultimate level for maybe 20 time or something just because authors decided not to put checkpoints on the levels. So that just random rocket or too careless playing made me die time by time and repeat level again and again. Finally I spent on it maybe same time as on the rest of the game. I even had to reduce difficulty from hard to normal but it didn't help a lot. Only my perfectionism helped me to finish this level and entire game. So finally I felt this game like a wasting of time.
My recommendation if you had similar feeling about the game from the past just to leave them as is. Unfortunately you can not step into the same river twice.

True timeless masterpiece.
I've played it for the first time just now. And luckily did it on original hardware.
The game is super enjoyable and fun. It gives you optimal level of challenge. It's not super easy but not too annoying with hard levels. Just several bonus levels made me try them for dozens of times.
Secret exits gives the game second breath after main storyline is completed. It was really interesting to find them all. 5 times I had to find help online - exits were hidden too strongly. And probably that's the only negative feeling about the game.
Animation and sound are great. I didn't get tired listening to music themes again and again.
That's nice to see how such ancient versions of Mario games already had some key mechanics of the series which we know today. That's a true delight for me. Even can't imagine how inventive all these things seemed to be back then.
So totally recommend for everyone who somehow missed this gem.