faea gaming: June 2024

oh hey i've been doing these for a year! so in typical me fashion i had to celebrate by dropping half the games i played this month 💪 thanks to any of you weirdos who actually read any of this stuff, i enjoy doing these and it's nice to get more unfiltered rambly thoughts out which i dont typically let myself do here

Dropped (review)
just read the review tbh!
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve
i had a whole thing written out here but it was half-finished and its been too long to properly finish it so i just think this was really really good
Before the Green Moon
Before the Green Moon
In Progress
really lovely game. its way of storytelling has me thinking about the game a lot even when im not playing, it even makes the fact that its not the most Fun thing ever work in a weird sort of way. maybe a bit too slow in terms of character interactions for me? which is weird to say because there's an awful lot of them. thats definitely a 'me' thing more than the game, i think it does what it sets out to do incredibly well. if i come back to it in a few years i'll probably end up liking it even more
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
brain stopped working in the heat so i decided to pull some random game from my backlog that i had no idea if id actually like (#1)

i wasnt vibing with it super hard but i get what ppl do like about it. vibes are cool and i love the funny-edgy presentation but i don't really jive with the combat. i would like to go back and finish it some time regardless, it seems short enough and maybe it'll click
Shelved (maybe dropped)
brain stopped working in the heat so i decided to pull some random game from my backlog that i had no idea if id actually like (#2)

it seemed, like, cool? i like the idea of running around these spaces doing fetch quests and kinda menial tasks with cool music and visuals, but at the same time it didn't really hook me i guess. i dunno, maybe one day i'll be feeling something like this more than i am rigth now
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger
yeah i dunno. it's fine, inoffensive, surface-level charming but theres nothing to the systems, characters, story, setting etc. that i feel like i can get attached to. inoffensive to a fault, maybe?

(if there is one thing i have to add, it's that it's one of those rpgs where you dont really have to engage or pay much attention to the actual rpg systems and thats a real big peeve of mine)
Advance Wars
Advance Wars
wow, this sure is a gridbased turn based tactics game developed by intelligent systems isn't it! these people had such a good grasp on how to work gba graphics, gba fire emblem is some of the best stuff i've seen on the system and this game just proves they had it going from the start.

fog maps are actively dreadful and somehow orders of magnitude worse than fe ones both because of the nature of the game (you can't really kill anything on "enemy phase") and because they're actively designed to be as annoying as possible without knowing all the enemy placements beforehand and just boil down to hoping you checked the right tree or you lose that unit to a rocket. this is a significant gripe because there's quite a few fog maps in the game. other than that it's a lot of fun. i looked up the mission structure and it's really fucked up lol, big respect to them for locking a significant amount of missions behind the most arcane bullshit
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Pokémon Omega Ruby
In Progress
doing another soullink!

you wont be surprised to hear this from me but i think oras is a whatever remake, i also think rse are kinda just okay nowadays so i dont really care for oras either. colours on the overworld look a bit nasty, music doesn't sound great. dexnav isn't as cool/useful as i thought it'd be which is the biggest hit!
Age of Empires: Mythologies
Age of Empires: Mythologies
couldnt get into it, i think advance wars ruined these games for me lol
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
In Progress
only played once because the routine I was gonna fit this game into kinda fell apart as soon as I started. tried playing some this morning but my 3ds wasn't charged, oops! don't have much to say yet but I was surprised how animated the portraits are, seeing it in screenshots I expected them to just be stills
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
eeehhhh i dunno i dunno! wrote a whole thing but the main gripes are the collectathon world -- which was certainly the same in vanilla (a game that i still really enjoyed back then) but much more compounded with Stuff here -- and the powercreep that led to me almost first-trying hydra on hard without thinking about basic game mechanics like blocking lol. going into a new area feels overstimulating and im not sure if the payoff is really worth it
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
In Progress
after two failed attempts (one to emulator issues) and about a decade of putting it off, all it takes was the release of an smt game i was actually excited for to get me to play nocturne. with all that out the way i think it's almost strange how little i have to say about this game despite how much i like it. it's just really really good
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
In Progress
so far it really does just feel like AW but better, which is impressive because that game already feels very difficult to improve on. seeing a sequel iterating on a game's flaws while leaving all the good bits entirely intact while ALSO not losing any impact by just being "the first game but again" feels extremely rare but i'm feeling like AW2 might be that perfect storm
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Completed (review)
first impressions were atrocious because this game's exp curve is hateful and even if you do all the absurd mid-chapter exp optimisations (ff2 fans will LOVE this one...) you'll still have to grind pretty liberally. plus very important and equally convoluted mechanics are explained very poorly unless you find the very unassuming in-game guide. but its real good if you have the patience to stick with it!! even though it started to wear itself thin near the end of its 60(!!) hour runtime im still happy i finally got round to playing this
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley
In Progress (2p co-op)
think im ready to say i just dont like this game very much, but not for any INTERESTING reasons like i was planning on writing a review for -- i just don't enjoy most of the activities. i will probably keep playing it regardless because i like my friends and this game lets me put a cute bow on my head and decorate my house and listen to my friend yell when he stays in the mines till 2am yet again

i think id like it more if it wasn't so derivative of HM both mechanically and textually (go into the mines for hours doing poor dungeon crawling to slaughter hundreds of creatures, give women weird rocks until they fall in love with you etc.), but i cant be too upset that the lone indie dev making a pretty gargantuan game in a then-dying genre space didnt also have a bunch of radical new ideas. i'm sure the games that then took inspiration from stardew valley do though, right?? right??????? (trying desperately to suppress incoming video game derivation rant)
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime
In Progress
i played a couple hours and while i could see myself mellowing on it a little as i go because i've never been a huge metroid fan, i think this format works way better for me than the 2d ones. the atmosphere feels so strong in first person with strict tank and aiming controls (gunplay in particular reminds me of playing killer7 which is kinda funny) and scanning all the flora and fauna to get little descriptions of how they function in their environment is genuinely a huge detail for me. could do without the game outright saying "YOU NEED *THIS* UPGRADE TO GET UP HERE!!" though!


3 days ago

Chrono Trigger is such a slog but Chrono Cross is so good... probably has my favorite gameplay systems in any RPG

3 days ago

Looooooooooool, and people tell me I'm too harsh/overcritical when it comes to video games.
Banjo, nocturne and prime are pretty peak

2 days ago

@archagent i'm really looking forward to it!!

@nowitsreyntime17 i'm loving nocturne and prime. nocturne especially might have my favourite turn based combat, press turn works so well with the dungeon crawling. BK i'll have to come back to when i'm craving something like that a bit more. i've always had a bit of a rocky relationship with 3d platformers and i really wanna try and push through that though
Hell yeah, press turn is my favorite jrpg combat system of all time honestly. It's a blast. Idk if you plan on playing digital devil saga but the first game contains the amazing atmosphere of nocturne plus the dungeons are way better. Definitely recommend it

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