...you ever just like stop, ask yourself "why am i playing this?", and then turn a game off and never feel the need to go back to it? yeah...

the voice actors are good. that's about it.


this is probably the best Danganronpa in terms of the environment it builds, the killing game genuinely feels tense and, without prior knowledge of the medium, it especially adds tension and a desire to try to fix things. The cast is fun, albeit my personal least favorite, and there are clever twists and fun moments tied in, additionally out of every mastermind, Trigger Happy Havoc probably has the strongest one (I really like V3's but that's more of a me thing). Overall, I enjoyed this game a lot and it's what got me into Danganronpa, which in turn has led to me meeting some really good friends, and also getting better at writing fanfiction which is cool :)

there's so much i wanna say about this game but i really wouldn't know where to start and don't want to ramble too much. uhhhhhhh play dragon age origins everything in the writing is amazing and also the romance ohmygod the romance the romance is so good.

I think the Walking Dead really does vary a lot by season, sometimes it can just be tear-bait and not say much, other times it can be deep and very meaningful, usually moreso with the main cast.

I love every season individually for different reasons, but an important theme throughout to take away is found family, and how you don't need to stay with abusive people, but instead with people who actually care about you, this is seen in a lot of characters through different interactions, Clem's time with Kenny, Jane, etc., the entire García family dynamic, and then as a form of conclusion, finding true family in part 4. There are many more themes, but this one in particular stands out to me. There are also some stunning psychological portraits, and of course there's a lot of horror and gore mixed in, which for some people is a turnoff and for others is pretty cool. I don't really like much walking dead media, these games are the exception, and I highly recommend them for people who like story driven experiences.


I think toward the end the game gets a bit weaker, but Prey has so many fun mechanics, so many interesting choices, and a sandbox approach that let's you handle the open world in so many different ways and explore the space station with so many options. The lack of people also creates such an oppressive environment, and in turn gives so much added weight to actually finding a real person. Horrifying, genuine, tragic, exciting, excruciating... I love this game.

It's by no means a complex game, but the big con is very aesthetically pleasing, has fun mechanics, a rewarding progression system, some cool puzzles that make you think, consistent witty banter and dialogue, a likeable protagonist and a fun if simple plot, with some really touching moments, all within a fairly short runtime. I have recommended this game to every single one of my friends lol I really liked it idk.

I think if a game makes you cry you're supposed to give it a high ranking.

I cried a lot playing this. Out of empathy, out of identification, out of resentment and bitterness, out of feeling jealous of a game character, out of fear, out of seeing her thought process and thinking the exact same things. I recognized every fear in this game, every instance of self deprecation, every terrorized feeling people were about to hate you for just existing in the wrong space in the wrong way.

I got two bad endings in this game before I was able to get a good one. All I really did for them was answer the way I would irl. I had to act like a different person to get a nice ending. I really kinda wish I was like Haru, I learned how to give her a happy ending, but I doubt any of it would have worked for me.

This is rambly and isn't really going anywhere, if you're trans you'll probably feel something if you play this, I'd recommend it highly.

A lot of people seem to have a a fairly negative opinion of this game, especially in comparison to other games in the series. Personally, it's one of my favorite games ever made, which makes that a bit jarring to me.

The combat is admittedly poor, but i enjoy the ideas in it, from the sneak attacks mid conversation, the sand attacks, luring enemies into each other, figuring out surroundings... You'll get bored if you just want a regular fight, but if you're crafty it becomes a lot more enjoyable.

I consider the thieving and sneaking mechanics to also be a very enjoyable puzzle to work out. Treasure hunting feels exciting and the limited resources as things don't respawn in game adds a need to specialize, which in turn favors replayability and makes valuable things feel valuable.

While the writing is a mixed bag, i do consider there to be some very witty portions of it, and I enjoy the protagonist not only being kind of an awful person, but also wrong frequently, it's refreshing to feel like my main character really is just a pirate and not a hero. I also enjoy the supporting cast, again some more than others, and again most of them aren't good people, but they strike a good balance for the most part I find. Interestingly, a lot of 2 characters come back in 3, and I dislike a lot that was done with them there.

The environment is something I'm biased towards, I love Caribbean style settings and I think this game really manages to create a good one, exploring Antigua, the Sword Coast or Caldera is always a lot of fun for me. The soundtrack is also really, really good.

There's a lot of variance in your choices and it feels like you can really change the game you play with how you approach things, down to even unlocking new mini games based on approach, and I do think the Risen 2 mini games are all pretty fun.

Overall, I can very much understand why someone might not like this game, but most of its "flaws" were welcome improvements for me after not being particularly sold on the first Risen, and I genuinely enjoy myself every time I play this game.