Genuinely one of the best gaming experiences I've had if not the best. I have so much to say about the massive scale of this game and how awesome it is in every aspect.

1. The story. FFVII revolves around a group of resistance fighters battling against a corrupt government that plans to exterminate the natural resources for selfish needs. Along with that, is a higher being who is eager to become a god after realizing his capabilities to do so. Basically, political ideologies with hints of science fiction fantasy about alternate worlds and reality.

2. The gameplay mechanics. FFVII Re series have a unique turn based RPG system where you use a variety of character abilities and spells. I am in love playing with FF7R because of this. There are so many combinations you can use and it's just so much fun to spam stopping time and play.

3. The graphics and animation. It's Unreal Engine which is very self-explanatory. Everything looks great. The visuals from character designs, cutscenes, environment, and UI are flawless.

4. The open world aspect. Although not a complete open world game where you can fly, climb, swim underwater, and do real life human stuff, it is still such a step up from the previous Remake. Exploration may sometimes feel clunky but at the end of the day, it's easy to navigate and learn.

5. The soundtrack and score. New and old soundtracks incorporated. Whatever you do and wherever in the game you do it, there is a distinct sound played.

6. The fanservice. The dating, the relationships, the outfit changes, Tifa and Aerith, Zack crumbs, Vincent Valentine and Cid Highwind teaser, the ending, and of course Cloud's personality. I won't say much except... if you know, you know.

Overall, you can really tell Square Enix put their heart and soul into this game. The expansion of one of the most beloved games of all time is well deserved. And SE did it with justice.

And just like that, like Sephiroth, I too, am waiting.

The most emotional DLC that centers around Prompto's origins and selfhood. Prompto is my guy. I am the Prompto in my personal group of friends. The one who feels like only a tag along, the one who store precious memories through taking pictures, and the one who believes in the people he love. "I can't choose where I'm from, but I can choose where I'm going."

No way they're also gonna make me cry on a DLC. I love these guys so much. Every part of their journey matters.

This game has tortured me in the best way possible. I'm so attached to these guys that the personal never-ending credits scenes fucked me up. Despite all its shortcomings and flaws with the story, Final Fantasy XV is the messiest masterpiece I've ever played. The heart and soul of this game is making memories with the boys and I sure did make a lot in a span of 50 hours. As Noctis said, they really are the best. This is my final tear.

So unserious but really fun if you have friends to play with.

Decided to drop this masterpiece because of my priorities. But that won't stop me from loving this game. This is one of the best open world out there and I'm taking it as a pre-game for The Witcher 4.

As a long time fan of Kratos, this is one of the best God of War games ever and I'm so glad they pulled off the switch to Norse mythology. It's just as good and thrilling as the original games.

I love the game narrative but this is one of the most insufferable online multiplayer I've ever played. Overpriced skins, toxic community, cheating, smurfing, and matchmaking algorithm all suck.

A cozy short game perfect for when you're feeling stressed or just want to have a chill time playing.

Yuffie is an instant favorite among the gang. This is how you make a good DLC. Unique combat style and a refreshing story. I love how it connected to the main game with Cloud.

It will never replicate the fun of a real board game.

Just wow. A video game masterpiece in all aspects. This is my first Final Fantasy and I'm already hooked on the franchise. Aside from its cool action elements are political commentaries and existentialism.


Like everybody else's opinions, this game is a really good semi-RPG slash dating simulation with a clunky combat system. But Haven at its strongest is with its characters. The dialogues may feel cheesy but in a good way. A short game and really easy to beat.