1375 Reviews liked by fancyynancyy

The spectacle of the colossi is absolutely incredible. I can’t believe this came out in 2005. Way ahead of its time. My favourites were the 9th and 13th colossi. There’s definitely some issues I have with the game though. I thought it was incredibly tedious when you were attempting to stab the colossus and your character continuously slips and is unable to hold on. It adds realism, sure, but it makes it a lot less fun. I also wasn’t a fan of the open world, I understand why it was the way it was and with the obvious limitations of the PS2, but it just felt like wandering through empty environments on the way to your next objective was there to fill some time. I’ll for sure be giving the PS4 remake a go sometime. Even if it’s just a graphical overhaul, I can imagine enjoying it even more.

Having just finished the main game, I wanted to make a new review and talk about how harsh I was with my first one. I think the game is somewhat decent, and while I think a lot of my original criticisms still stand, I think this game does a good amount right. I mentioned that combat and the world design were boring, but I don't think that's my opinion anymore. The combat grew on me quite a bit. It's not amazing by any means, but can be pretty fun at times. The world is beautiful as well, and the variation in environments makes it less stale. I definitely still think the characters, story, costume design and quest design aren't great, but I was surprised to have got semi-hooked to the game so as to finish its main story and a good chunk of the side content.

I would love to hear why anyone would give this game 5 stars though, not to belittle those people, but to try and understand, as I still firmly believe this game does absolutely nothing to stand out from its open world predecessors.

Took me a little while to get into it, but once you unlock the majority of the weapons and abilities it becomes really fun. Enjoyed the combat a lot in this, although the basic enemies became quite repetitive after a while. I quite liked the layout of the map and a lot of the art direction was super interesting and visually pleasing. I’m still trying to comprehend the story, so I’m not sure if I like it or not yet. It has a lot of that abstract storytelling Remedy is known for.

Also, this might be a hot take, but I’m definitely advocating for assist mode in games now. I’m not one of those people who think Dark Souls should have an easy mode, but games like this, where I think the challenge is not satisfying to overcome, I feel like being able to customise and optimise the difficulty of the game to my specific needs is a brilliant way to get anyone to enjoy the game and play the way they want to.

Thoroughly enjoyed this. The story was super intriguing and compelling from start to finish. I loved how it all tied together in the end to produce a satisfying and emotionally impactful conclusion. The interactive text adventure aspect sounds quite uninteresting on paper and while some people may find it to be just that, I thought it was very effective, as the writing mixed with the sound design really made me imagine exactly what was happening in those scenarios.

I think the main area this game suffers is in its puzzle design and often tedious gameplay. The text adventure parts work very well, but the gameplay additions in episodes 2 and 3 really didn't feel fun to get through and often became confusing, even when the game is telling you what to do.

Nevertheless, this experience makes me very intrigued as to what No Code can bring to a Silent Hill game. They clearly have a knack for producing a unique and interesting horror scenario, I just hope they can bring some intriguing puzzles to those games, but I have a lot of faith in them giving us an original and alluring story.

It's 2013. You get back from class, only for Time Warner Cable to be on the fritz, and as you log onto your computer to try to check twitter.com, you are greeted with a dinosaur who tells you connection is unavailable. In your frustration, you slam your keyboard, then all of the sudden, the dinosaur starts to walk across a desert landscape. As he walks and jumps, your anger at the incompetent internet service provider melts away, and you start to smile, then laugh a little bit. Soon enough, you are overcome with a feeling you have never felt before. Then as the minutes turn to hours, you realize, that feeling is true love.

Limpador de paladar, indutor de introspecção, botão de maravilha, post-rock - esse tipo de arte tem vários nomes e propósitos para pessoas diferentes; a delícia cinestésica de rolar por aí e ir muito rápido em vistas lindas sendo o fator em comum que une todos aqui. Tudo que queria era algo que acabasse rápido, me transportasse para um estado de consciência elevada, e invocasse do fundo de mim sensações de frisson e pura alegria, trancafiadas a sete chaves - é pedir muito? Embora Exo One tenha sim atingido esses picos, me fez passar por vales demais , tanto literais quanto figurativos, adicionando gordura e tempo de jogo que me provocaram tédio ao invés do efeito desejado, quebrando a fantasia de higiene mental que o jogo me proporcionava.

Some of the movement feels great once you get the hang of it. Some of the levels really drag though.

Fun idea and mechanics in a far from perfect but interesting little game. The story is a little try hard but I'm curious to see what the dev works on next.

Desde luego, un juego único. Por compararlo con algo, que no se me ocurren muchas cosas a las cuales hacerlo, es el primo marciano y ominoso de Flower. Abraza su expresión a través de movimiento y dinamismo, muy vibrante y expresivo.

Se puede hacer un poco largo, no justifica su duración mecánicamente. La jugabilidad de todos los niveles es similar y, si bien es precioso y enigmático, eso no lo sostiene todo lo que dura. Sigue siendo no obstante una idea bonita ejecutada a la perfección, simplemente la idea no da para tanto.

Visuals are pretty, story is paper thin, and the controls are hit and miss. If you liked Flower you'll like this, if not, don't even try. The game is really short and even knowing that I gave up half way.

El juego explota el concepto de "flow" con unas mecánicas sólidas y un buen ritmo, logrando que fluir con la nave por diversos biomas espaciales resulte una experiencia muy satisfactoria.

El problema es que aproximadamente a la mitad de este corto viaje el juego toma un rumbo diferente interrumpiendo el tan brillante flow con pseudo niveles de exploración que no suman si no que restan.

Me parece una idea que se podría explotar más y mejor, pero aun así dada su corta duración es una experiencia que recomiendo.

It was a wonderful feeling at first, a tangible sense of exploration and the alien. Story was surreal but a little empty. Towards the end of the game though the joy started to seep out a little. A wonderful game overall.

I’ve always been fascinated with space and what planets on the surface look like. Weather patterns, mountain formations, various chemicals, and minerals do certain things with the weather and whatnot. This is what Exo One explores. While there’s a paper-thin story here about a spacecraft being discovered on Earth and NASA trying to use it to launch a crew to Jupiter. The vessel gets lost, I think, and you wind up bouncing around a dozen different planets trying to find your way back to Jupiter. It’s barely there, but it gives you a reason to keep going and provides an overall goal.

The controls take getting used to and by the end of the game I never quite cared for them. They seem over-complicated, but you essentially control the ship’s gravity and flight direction. You can roll on the ground to build up power (the orange glow in the center of the ball) and can lift off or smash down to the ground by increasing gravity. You do also have a double jump button which comes in handy for fine-tuning your flight path. You want to stay in the air as much as possible as this is your best form of movement. In the air, you can travel farther as you will be traveling dozens of kilometers on each planet to get to the goal.

Each planet is completely different in the sense that some are covered in oceans, some have no ground, and some have more complicated terrain to get around. Some have little gravity and some give your ship a bigger boost due to the increase in lightning in the area. You can boost your ship with various things like flying into clouds, wind paths, particles, and various other boosters. These boosters are usually visible a few kilometers away and you want to get to those. There are some instances in which navigating became irritating and frustrating. A couple of planets have strong winds or will cut your controls completely. One planet had me just rolling along the ground for over 10 minutes using the wind to guide me. The terrain itself seems almost randomly generated and hills are your enemy. You want to boost downhills and release gravity going up like a giant ramp. This is impossible with areas with strong wind as they slow you down.

There are upgrades for your ship kind of spread around on some planets. These increase your glide and overall power, and they are helpful, but getting to them can mostly be a chore. Fine-tuning and aiming for a small spot is really frustrating. You can constantly turn around and try again trying to gain just the right height to reach an upgrade. The enjoyment is the constant momentum you can create via rolling on the ground, boosters, and using clouds to gain altitude. Once you reach the goal, which will be a giant blue light in the sky, you warp to the next planet and I love the variety. Not a single planet is the same and soaring over large oceans or weird formations is just awesome. The visuals are fantastic with great water effects, rain effects, and an overall amazing sense of speed.

There’s not much else to the game except to enjoy the scenery. There are no high scores, no hidden secrets, or anything of that nature. Think of this as a “walking simulator” but up in the sky. The only gameplay is maintaining your flight and fighting elements on some planets. It’s over in about two hours, but it’s a beautiful two hours. If you love exploring planets on say games like Mass Effect you’re going to enjoy this quite a bit.

The thin veneer of a story might as well not be there. The core gameplay premise is distinctive and fun but even at just a couple of hours long, the gameplay feels stretched extremely thin. It's fun when the game lets you interact quickly with the environment, but about half the levels attempt to up the difficulty by simply taking away your sense of control or flow, which is a detriment to fun more than it is an increase to challenge

Es minimalista tanto en gameplay como historia, simple pero con una muy buena ejecución. Mezcla muy bien una atmósfera de melancolía y soledad con una de epicidad y aventura gracias a su excelente dirección de arte y música. Escalar un coloso o simplemente montar tu caballo es espectacular y cinematográfico. Es hartante que sea casi el único ejemplo que la gente usa de que los juegos son arte, pero tienen razón, Shadow of the Colossus es arte.