"If I use great soundscapes for my game I can put whatever random thing I want in it" ...That was short of being true, but some sequences don't really merit being in the game's gallery. The intro where you walk on the bridge floating above water is pretty remarkable, though. Not much else for me.

What the fuck Id? Lmao. Borderline masoquism. This dlc feels like Doomguy doing 500 jumping jacks on your balls. I mean, if you're into that I don't judge, but I was slowly playing this between college exams whenever I found the free time, and it certainly felt like more work. Painful. Hope the next part is not as ball busting. Recommended if you're a freakazoid git-gudder though.

★★ – Bad, but playable ❌

Oh yeah, if you didn't learn to quick-switch in the base campaign, do yourself a favor and learn for this dlc because it is impossible without it.

Capital G gamers can stay mad.

★★★½ – Great ✅

This review contains spoilers

It's good and there's clearly a lot of passion put into this game, and you should try it but take into account that it feels very... indie. Take that as you will. Still, impressive for a mostly solo project, even though some of its details could've been ironed out. Here are some random notes about the game, since I don't have that much to say about it. Heavy spoilers at the end.

-Love the Swiss alps setting, and how it feels like the town is above the clouds. A very dark fairy tale feel.
-Hand drawn visuals are pretty cool, specially like how "imperfect" it looks.
-Hmm, pitchfork combat is annoyingly clunky.
-I swear it should be illegal for indie devs to apply stealth mechanics to their games.
-Oof, checkpoints are rough. Just let me saveeeee.
-Man, what the fuck is going on in Switzerland?
-I love the word "Muvel" for some reason.
-Sound design is soooo good. It kind of got me a few times.
-Narrative's presentation has been pretty stellar so far. Very cinematic, maybe some Kubrick here and there?
-Goats are not cute, and you can't convince me!
-Did my game just soft lock? (...Yup)
-Why is the goat in my backpack still bleating if I already interacted with it! So annoying. Is this a bug? (...Yup)
-Wow, this has some wonderful imagery...
-Only one jump scare, but fuck, it was a good one.
-I loved the ending I got, but...

-Does it really makes sense? Wouldn't it just mean an infinity time loop? Am I missing some cultural context, perhaps?
-Do temporal paradoxes work differently in Switzerland? Lol.
-I wonder if the game would've been as good if I hadn't gotten the good ending.

Miyazaki? More like Miyasucky. The debut of the fraud scam-artist of a director. What else it's there to expect, d00d.

No, but seriously, this is so sloppy on so many levels I don't even want to write about it. That said though, I did like the lore behind the Kojima Particles, a technology the NEXTs (this gen's new ACs) uses, and how it's polluting the planet, so basically every single war is permanently poisoning the Earth making it inhabitable. And the soundtrack is amazing, even though the mixing is really shitty, and you have to lower everything else to hear it.

Maybe it'd be a ★★ with multiplayer which supposedly was fun, but good luck with that now.

Runs surprisingly well on RPCS3, if anyone's wondering.

★½ – Unplayable ❌

Dated, obtuse, with a fair share of pixel hunting, as usual for the genre, but with an immaculate ambience. Always wanted to try this, it being the first commercial adventure game from my country. If you're one to enjoy Gone Home/Resident Evil/Amnesia for building the game around an intricate moody place full of secrets, you might enjoy this. There's also a certain terrifying sequence that's worth experiencing if you enjoy horror. It really got me considering it's a point & click game, but at the same time I'm a huge pussy, so don't take my word for it. I can definitely see why original players of this game built such a strong cult following around it, hell even Civvie made a video on it.

I'd love a modern counterpart to this, good thing the original developers are working in a spiritual successor that's been in development for 13 yea- hmmmmmmmmmmmm... that's never releasing, is it?

★★½ – Average ✅


Best NIN song music video I've ever played. Try this if a child from Carrion + Scorn + Eraserhead sounds good to you (A child that only lasts less than 10 minutes alive because it barely breathes).

Rating might be a point too high maybe idk, but this was clearly an exercise in ambiance by the developer, and personally I thought it achieved what he set out to do. And for such a short runtime, made me feel more things than some big-budget horror games.

★★★ – Good ✅

(changed it to a 5 after replay)


Of all the new horror genres one can imagine, Pool-core horror is certainly one of the dumbest trends possibles.

This is exactly what AC2 should've been initially.

Again, the same dynamic of AC1, so very similar to AC2 but polished out. I still think if you're going to try this series for AC6 you could skip AC2 because this game is basically AC2.5.

Gameplay is a lot smoother overall; the annoying lockbox snapping is still here, but other previous issues like weapon balancing, the level design, and pacing for the most part are fixed, and thank god the menu is not a slug to traverse anymore. It's also a better introduction in terms of difficulty because AC2 starts unforgivably hard from the beginning, and AC3 is still hard but eases you into it. Don't be tricked into thinking this one's going to be easy because of the first levels because it features the second-hardest boss in the series so far, which is a really cool fight. As for negatives, the story, even though it got rebooted, is still just...there. Nothing of interest, but that could change in the next games.

I think I'm going to stay with it for a while because I just love the Arena mode, and I want to upgrade my OP-Intensify to transfer it to AC: Silent Line.

I wasn't hating what I was seeing for the first half of the game, it's actually visually striking, reminds me of Another World at times. But the amount of jankiness is jarring, clearly needed more time in the oven. The second half is pretty terrible, though. Slow, repetitive, and filled with stupid decisions by the main characters. I'm so exhausted of these types of endings too, please stop. It might've been at least decent without it. Thanks to Christopher Nolan for inspiring Sci-fi in the worst way possible.

★★ – Bad, but playable ❌

That was it?

Given how people talked about this expansion I thought I was about to play the best one in the series, but it left me disappointed. I'ts not bad at all, it's just more AC3, aaand...? Not much else.

The premise, even though initially interesting, goes practically nowhere and it just kind of ends in the most boring way possible thanks to the final level and boss. Also, the missions were a mixed bag with some being too simple or uncreative, and the hardest ones being the best, but there's no particular encounter that stands out compared to previous games. And why do you need so much fucking ammo for some of these missions, holy... Like, I was using the 1000 ammo MG and a chain gun, and still sometimes ran out of ammo.

Now, the best this expansion has to offer are the build possibilities. There's a crazy amount of new parts, with the addition of new weapon categories and left-hand weapons. Had a ton of fun changing my build for certain missions and trying new stuff. And yeah, the arena is here, and it's still fun. Although it's kind of funny how they just repeated some opponent's description from previous games. I guess they ran out of ideas for the fighters lol.

Don't really regret playing it, but the best AC? This just makes me miss Master of Arena. If you're going to play it, highly recommended transferring your AC3 save, it's really hard without it.

★★½ – Average ✅

Since setting up RetroArch indirectly led to a nostalgic trip that I've been enjoying, even if the games were not that up to par so far (not you, Dynamite Headdy), might as well keep it going.

If you understandably can't tell from the title, Spartan Total Warrior is a Total War series spin-off. You know, that one series of turn based strategy games with real time tactics where battles are massive? Well, the interesting thing about this though, is that it's not a strategy game, but a hack n slash God of War-style game. I think the word "clone" applies here with both protagonist being Spartans, both using swords called "Blades of Athena", both ultimately fighting against Ares, and the combat being a similar washed down version without combos. Kind of impressive how they were able to get this out in 8 months from GoW's launch even if it's basically blatant plagiarism. That said, it does have something unique going for it because of the Total War influence, and that's the size of battles. In GoW you'd fight at most 10 enemies at once, here... it's like in the hundreds. This aspect is probably the most appealing thing the game has to offer, and it is admittedly satisfying to button smash through a whole army of enemies, specially with some of the later weapons you unlock. Kid-me thought that was the coolest thing ever, enough to make me play it religiously. Sadly, as you may guess, that's where the positives end, with the game being a bland tropey mess, so overall I don't have much to say other than complaining about how incompetent it is. Still recommending it though, since there's nothing that much offensive about it, and if you're a classic GoW fan I guess you could enjoy it (?).

Despite everything, I love that this exists by the randomness of it. Why did Creative Assembly make this, lol? Is it more random than making Alien: Isolation, though? Idk, but at least that game was good.

★★ – Bad, but playable ✅

Death n Destruction kinda nasty.

Good anti-smoking commercial.

★★★½ – Great ✅

Lucas Pope continues to innovate. Fantastic concept and art style. Wish it was a little less frustrating to travel between memories. Recommended if you like detective games, this one's probably the best.

Is there a worse name for an alien race than the Kha'ak?

With peace and love, you have to be in full-on gremlin mode to enjoy this. Too obtuse, boring, and honestly kind of pointless. Only good thing about it it's the graphics. Numbers go up!