didnt encapsulate the feeling of a silent hill game it felt like it took minor inspiration from p.t with the loops but in all was not very enjoyable not even the characters or the monsters

such a jump from the first and if you really get caught up in excitement you forget that these are grown adults relying on a 9 year old

so fun its the main story without consequences

peak mario game but world 8 humbles you so much especially if you're ass

so fun but its just pure fun like its too easy

So good the gameplay is enough to make me anxious and the ost is so beautiful probably the best one

i had to turn my sim into a vampire cause she couldnt sleep from the amount of work she had to do

The hype for this game was so big, but after the leaks it literally left me wondering " Is this shit actually real?". I really do love TLOU, but the real saving grace of this game is the updated gameplay. Especially before the launch of the remaster of the first game.

i played this once with my best friend for 6 hours and when we got up we were in a sleepy trance the most intense dont starve run i've ever had

the sims modders community is carrying the game

When I first bought this, it was solely because it was $10 and over the span of a few months I unknowingly played my favorite game of all time. The characters, the setting, and the plot they're all still so captivating It has such a special place in my heart.

I love this dlc so much fun to play after the main game