the best sonic game and it's barely even a contest. peak vibes and the jp soundtrack is probably the nicest this series has ever sounded. really weird that people are circling back around to pretending this game is bad lol

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2024


19 days ago


18 days ago

I really want to give this game a fair shake. I need to sit down with a guide just because the time travel mechanics fly over my head. Also I really really hate those little light bug robots right toward the end of the game. Was stuck on that shit for more than an hour.

18 days ago

@justagames there's nothing really complex or guide-necessary about it. all the past versions of levels have one machine and one metal sonic hologram that can be destroyed. destroying the machines creates a good future for that zone. destroying the projectors just make more animals appear in the good futures. there's no reason to go to the future unless you're just curious about the aesthetics/music

alternatively, just do the bonus stages and get all the time stones. either gets you the good ending

18 days ago

@chandler Thanks for the tips! I think i personally just have issues getting the layout of the levels. Which truth be told I have had issues with classic sonic getting around the maps.

18 days ago

Amen bro, this game rules

18 days ago

@justagames my recommendation is to take a run or two where you just explore. there's a lot to find and once you've found a machine, figuring out the optimal route to get there in the future comes pretty natural. also you can find the machines in the present as well as the past - they appear dysfunctional in the present and they're just background objects, but they're in the same spots. helps a lot to know that

11 days ago

People thinks this game is bad nowadays? Jesus.