Games fine. It's honestly both overly complicated and too simple at the same time and I don't know how else to articulate that. I'm forever salty that there's actually fuckin plot critical lore in this game, but to be honest no ones buying this if they aren't super into the series already anyway.

The online mode was probably the best thing about this, but to be honest I hated how they tried to reinvent the wheel so bad that I couldn't stand actually playing the game for very long at all. I got this on a steep discount at $20 but i still feel like I got ripped off.

Man when this game is good its real good. When its not its really not good. The story is a bunch of garbage and I almost can overlook that if I wasn't playing as a character that I hate to play as a quarter of the time. Or if Jeanne's levels didn't also suck. Or if all the skill trees for all the weapons didn't feel exactly the same. Its still fine and playable enough just was expecting more with such a long wait. I legit think i would have had more fun skipping the cutscenes in their entirety.

As much as I liked this game it was really hard to not get lost in the sauce playing this, especially in the late half. Its also weird seeing how much of the design philosophy carried over from this game into Bayo 3. Still really fun just gets worse and worse as it goes and the side stuff is tedious and pointless.

Man the collection of disney worlds left me with a bad taste in my mouth. An amazing endgame, confusing and tedious DLC and great super bosses help weigh this game out to a good for me.

This is basically a dark souls with 1000000% more equipment which was tedious as hell to interact with. I got to the scorpion boss before deciding my time was better spent elsewhere, at least for now.

I like the gameplay a lot but I only have so much patience these days for games with multiple endings and having to play it over and over to figure out the whole story.

A classic for a reason, but this version totally shows its age occasionally.

I wish I was good enough at this to beat the final 2 C sides and Farewell that I cannot beat. Love this game completely.

This game has the meat of the best pokemon game to ever exist hidden in here somewhere. The new pokemon designs keep being amazing. That being said, I have never played even a Pokemon fan game that runs like the pile of gravel this game runs like and its frankly embarrassing. I really hope the patch starts to fix some of the problems with this but it wouldn't fix everything. Nintendo finally had a chance to do a legit open world style game but nope, its pretty much do it in somewhat linear order or you will either be pounded into mulch or be super over leveled. All I wanted was a Skyrim like leveling system in a Pokemon game if they were going to do open world traditional pokemon. PLA failed for me in the same ways and was a technical mess as well but not anywhere near this bad.

This is probably the best pokemon fan game i've played. The new art assets aren't amazing 100% of the time, some of the designs are a bit simplistic even for pokemon's typical standard, but what works here really works and has some great creative fakemon designs.

Fairly fun romhack. Game kind of loses its luster a bit when it goes into its third region that gets cut short. It has some twists on Pokemon's typical plot that work well, some not so much. I was able to forget this was a fan game during what worked well, which to me is a sign of a great fangame, I just wish that happened for me more often.

fantastic omage to Survival Horror games of yesteryear. I cannot overstate my praise for this game.

This should have never been separate from MGS5.

literally nothing more then a weird steam deck tech demo. Make a new game valve people would buy it.