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finalchase reviewed World of Warcraft
blizz sucks ass but i've had a soft spot in my soul for WoW since i was a kid and really always will. it is very flawed but something about the scenery and feeling of the world and the dynamics just gets me every time i boot it up. i'll admit though nothing hits as hard as that first playthrough and exploration of the zones.

5 days ago

finalchase reviewed Until Dawn
this is honestly one of my favorite games of this style even with its flaws. the only thing i truly dislike about it is how badly the indigenous folklore felt butchered.

5 days ago

5 days ago

finalchase shelved Sonic Lost World
i watched a friend play this and actually fell asleep. the deadly six remain the worst sonic characters and YES that's even when you count ken penders' stupid OCs.

5 days ago

finalchase reviewed Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
not only no, but FUCK no. i will see this game in hell.

5 days ago

finalchase reviewed Shadow the Hedgehog
the worst game EVER to try to 100% and i love it SO much.

5 days ago

finalchase reviewed Yume Nikki
copying my steam review for here cuz this is one of my favorite games of all time. the designs, the atmosphere, the scenery, the feelings this game manages to bring about in you is insane. i'm biased but really i would recommend this game to anyone, even those who aren’t super into exploration games, because it's sincerely just that good of an experience. endless thanks to kikiyama for this art piece of a game.

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

finalchase wants Gex

5 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

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