9 Reviews liked by flatlander

Yeah, sorry. Putting this firmly into the "not for me" pile. I'm not saying this is a bad game at all, but even a couple of hours in I can already feel my head starting to hurt. It feels similar to Case of the Golden Idol but with even less hand-holding, and I know that if I push myself to try and complete it I'm just going to end up getting frustrated and upset. I already feel really fucking stupid at the best of times.

Great game I'm sure, just not for me. Sorry!

i wish valorant players share the same fate with the people on board of the obra dinn

I like surreal things, I like abstract things, I like slow things, I like reading. But listen, there needs to be something for me to hold on to to make it through a game. 'Vibes' and 'themes' alone are not enough.

You'll see this compared to Lynch. No. It bears absolutely no resemblence to his work beyond the most superficial. Every second of everything that man has ever done, no matter how 'dreamlike', is animated by a powerful and clear emotional core. And that's the point of the exercise for him. It's just as easy to tell what Lynch's stuff is 'about' as it is with this game, but he communicates in feelings, through image and performance - this game does it through dry, detached, opaque walls of text and deliberate tedium. Sorry, but one of those is a hell of a lot more compelling to me than the other.

I stole this from a kid in elementary school who was an asshole

This review was written before the game released

this game reaches higher highs than i think video games have any right to it is goddamn peak fiction. this is one of the greatest video games of all fucking time. when the next part comes out in 4 years it will literally break my fucking brain im pretty sure i think im going to actually just die. it was so insanely good.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: Cancer's Wrath

Everyone on this website needs to shut the fuck up
