I love how max is straight up a recolor of porky

I think it's absolutely crazy how quickly obsessed I got with this game

This game is so painfully unfunny it hurts

Such a downgrade from tengoku outside of the sequels actually being good and karate man kicks (I love karate man kicks)

So fucking good, god i gotta finish this

me making fun of #DownWithTheMarioMandates during my playthrough of this was one of the only highlights of the game


better than yume nikki by a mile (i still love both)

The scene where nester went "it's funking time!" and funked on everyone made me shed a tear

Thank you to that one Twitter user years ago for giving me an English patched rom of this

Would've been peak had it not been just a borderline fever port

This game has everything I fucking hate about modern rpgs

Xenoblade 2 if it wasn't the most insufferable thing I've ever seen

Why can't Gen 3 rom hacks be as high quality as this

Ive felt genuinely disoriented while playing through this