just as good as the first entry, if not better. half a star deducted for bramble blast being literally the hardest thing i've ever passed in a video game

a stupidly solid game that pushed the limits of the snes, and is still one of the most challenging platformers i've ever played

this kirby game had no business being this high octane

kirby literally peaked with this game and it's incredibly sad

also you get to kiss your homies for extra life

loved all 6 levels of this game

if a mystery dungeon game doesnt make you cry then it simply isnt a mystery dungeon game

pinball games literally have me on a leash

i would kill my firstborn for a new game

why do i keep coming back to kanto so easily while it has nothing to offer, me and kanto have a toxic relationship

not the worst pokemon game but far from the best. it's definitely a lazy entry by gamefreak, but i still enjoyed playing through.

the end/post game stuff was surprisingly entertaining, but again the handholding is so annoying.

not that bad, but the constant handholding makes this virtually unplayable for me a second time.

honestly it wasn't that bad. yeah it started the trend of pokemon being easy as shit but it was still super fun and fresh. probably had over 600 hours in this easy.