I didn't know making something this bad was possible. The "translation" is hilarious though

Played this game at launch and haven't felt like playing it through again since, but Fallout 4 is a lot of fun when you're shooting and exploring but the story and questing segments in-between are painfully mediocre to bad.

The gunplay is fine and I enjoyed exploring the Commonwealth but the RPG elements are toned down so much that they might as well not be here. In particular, I take huge issue with the voiced protagonist (not the acting, it was fine), it had such a negative impact on the whole dialogue system that not even mods can really fix due to the, at max, four responses an NPC can give you when you are given a choice. The story is uninteresting with pretty poor writing and very few likeable characters. Also, the way they did the whole "choose a side just to get this ending" thing was done so poorly (in part due to the lack of a real Reputation system). It felt pretty rushed in the end.

It's pretty disappointing to me as a Fallout game but I had a good time with it, overall. Most of the DLC was pretty shit but I highly recommend checking out the Far Harbor expansion if you enjoyed the synth related and Nick Valentine quest lines. It still has many issues that the base game does but with a more interesting setting and much improved writing.

Short, but sweet 3D platformer with an excellent moveset, good music and visuals, and a lot of heart. It is super cheap, too, so check it out!

I'm kind of mixed on this one. I liked the soundtrack but there is a noticeable downgrade and variety of tracks here than in previous games, and the combat was fun (albeit very very easy, even on Nightmare) with some new additions to spice things up. However, I am pretty conflicted about the story overall.

Cold Steel IV's plot is really really good at points with some awesome and emotional moments but at the same time it is very messy, with a lot of blatant filler and generic shonen and power of friendship stuff. It was almost nauseating to boot up the game sometimes because I just was not very invested in some of the early to mid-game plot. Without getting too spoiler-y, it is disappointing to me that Falcom chose not to commit to some of the highly emotional moments from past games in the saga, instead choosing to undo them here. I don't mind twists like that occasionally but it really did lessen the impact certain moments could have had in this game, as I started feeling that nothing bad could actually happen to good guys. I did love the big crossover between the Trails sagas, however.

I definitely didn't dislike Trails of Cold Steel IV or anything, though. I enjoyed it a lot overall. It just wasn't as impactful of an ending to the trilogy as I was expecting.

I completely forgot that I played and beat this game in 2013 as I can't remember anything about it besides Lara being impaled by wooden spikes

Though it did take a while to click with me, alongside a few updates that really smoothed things out, I really enjoyed this game. Firstly, the obligatory observation that the game is extremely unpolished. Updates helped but as it stands, it is still pretty rough around the edges. That aside, the game really did surprise me with how good it was. Roaming around the islands with my finely-tuned physics settings/controls was so much fun and the traditional boost levels were a good time too, if a bit same-y aesthetically. The boss titans were a blast, too, with some janky mechanics and straight banger tracks accompanying them. The music was also excellent, as is usual with Sonic games (my favorite tracks were Find Your Flame and Rhea Island).

I'm glad I pushed through it all and finished Sonic Frontiers. It is a surprisingly unique take on recent Sonic games and I imagine a sequel to it could be truly great.

This is a huge improvement over Cold Steel 1 & 2. It feels like everything Falcom have done and learned from the past games is all beginning to come together to begin the end of the Erebonia arc. While I do have my problems with some of the characters (e.g., Musse, constant jokes about relationships between characters) and moments in the story, it was exciting for the whole mystery of Ouroboros plan to unravel and get explanations for things set up all the way at the beginning of the arc, and the ending segment was brutal and caught me somewhat off guard. The gameplay and presentation have improved a lot, too, and the music is great as usual, especially the new version of Decisive Collision. Overall, a great game that I had a good time with and I can't wait to start Cold Steel IV.

Still one of the best FPS campaigns in history.

Got endings A and B and I enjoyed the story and the characters a lot but, man, there is just not enough fun gameplay here that's making me want to force myself through it all again two more times just to see the final ending. It's a shame as I love Nier: Automata so much and this one just couldn't deliver fun gameplay as well as Platinum's effort did.

Let's go, 2024 starting off with a bang

I just really like it when the characters do the funny screams

I am honestly at a loss for words to describe how much I loved this game and this arc in the Trails series. Falcom was firing off on all cylinders with this one in terms of the story and world-building with one of the best finales I've experienced in a game, as well as many other aspects. The music in this game and Zero is some of the best I have heard from any videogame. I loved it so much and can't wait to continue my Trails journey into Cold Steel. Gonna miss Crossbell and the SSS a lot!

My favorite game in the series yet. I love the SSS so much, watching their growth throughout the story was satisfying. Loved the whole ending sequence as well.

We Love Katamari is such a loving game and an excellent follow-up to the original Katamari Damacy, filled to the brim with heart.

The plot in a game like this typically isn't very important or deep but it is handled interestingly here: the missions act as a sequel to the original game, with the people you accept quests from being aware of Katamari Damacy. However, after completing a few missions, you get cutscenes of the King of All Cosmos' childhood and upbringing. A silly and simple narrative that fits well within Katamari. It is also inconsequential and could easily be ignored but I find it to be charming and pretty enjoyable all throughout, especially as a fan of the original game.

The gameplay is about the same but the physics and controls are tweaked to be a little less unwieldy. It would be kind of hard to explain in detail but it's generally a smoother experience to move the Katamari around. That is to say, it is very fun to play, however, newcomers may find the basic controls to be awkward and unorthodox at first. The mission count and variety has been heavily expanded upon with the addition of new types of objectives, new and larger levels, and a new mini-campaign exclusive to this remaster. As a result, this game is a bit longer than the original and while it doesn't feel as tight as it, there is very little downtime between levels and more interesting content.

Lastly, the presentation is great. The visuals are stylized and I personally love how bright and colorful this version of the game looks. The music is superb: I don't really have a lot to say about it besides that it is all extremely pleasant to listen to and that I love it a lot. "Everlasting Love" is probably my favorite.

This is one of my favorite games I have played so far this year and I hope Bandai Namco is open to creating a brand-new Katamari game. It has been a long time since the last entry and while these recent remasters have been good, a new game could be so good. Kind of in the same boat as Super Monkey Ball at the moment.

My brother and I love the original Dead Space and its sequel so we figured we would give this game a shot since it is only $5 on Steam at the moment. Don't let the sale price swindle you; this game sucks and it is a pain in the ass to get working.

We spent nearly two hours just trying to get this game to even open and join each other's online session on the Steam version. There were so many things we had to try to get the game to launch: uninstalling Origin, installing the EA app, then uninstalling and reinstalling that, restarting our computers, closing out random background services in Windows. Finally got it to open and just as soon as it did, it opened in the tiniest fullscreen windowed then crashed until I went to the game's configuration file and manually entered my preferred resolution and screen mode. Once we were able to actually open the game, that was not the end of trying to get this shit to work.

In an unsurprising move, EA made the lobby system for Dead Space 3 on PC a shitshow because of the countless bugs and annoyances the EA app comes with. Inviting friends into your session is impossible because EA's in-game overlay is busted: it displays nothing while its open, doesn't let you interact with your friends list, and completely freezes the game while its open. You cannot even invite your friend to your session by tabbing into the EA app itself and inviting them, as that is seemingly only an option when the overlay is working and you are in-game. Only were we able to join each other when each of us alternated in posting a public lobby instead of a private game to play together. Tried four times to get into our own session because randoms kept joining us.

After all of this trial and error, we were greeted to Dead Space 3 in its full glory, with the most boring bombastic opening I have ever experienced in a game. My controller did not work with the game so I had to use keyboard and mouse controls and boy is it uncomfortable, even after trying to salvage it with rebinds and sensitivity tweaks. Entirely unoriginal, completely boring, and an absolute mess on PC. I don't think this game is worth the headache caused by trying to get it to simply launch.

Play Resident Evil 5 instead if you are looking for a co-op action game to play with a friend. At least that game works from the get-go and is pretty entertaining throughout.