125 reviews liked by gage

I had to sit through one of the absolute worst anime I have ever seen in my entire life where 10/12 episodes nothing happens solely so it could promote the most embarrassing cash grab I've ever seen. The game was entirely translated with MTL and absolutely no effort was put into any part of it. Rixia being like $70 while also being "84% off" should really tell you all you need to know about this. I'd be shocked if it lasts more than a year.

😈😈😈The perfect video game for a maniacal psychology major such as myself 😈😈😈. Sigmund freud's theory of personality and carl jung archetypes in MY turnbased video game 😈😈😈a truly spectacular sight to behold..........................😈

Above average game with an easily digestible plot and characters. It's a little slow and I'm sure a lot of the tedium was alleviated in the re-release on the GameCube, but I wasn't willing to sacrifice music quality for enhancements. I'm a sucker for floating islands and beautiful skies and this game more than scratched that itch



Going through my GOTY 2014 rankings, and I genuinely can't believe that my #1 for that whole year is a demo for a game that I'll never be able to play. An utter masterpiece of horror. An utter tragedy that we'll never experience what could have been.

playing and having to log this vers makes me feel like when influencers are seen w fucking a mcdonalds bag or starbucks cup in 2024 lmaoo

I thought I'd see Curly's pussy or something but instead got someone's diary. I mean alright I guess.




metal gear solid 2 and trails in the sky the 3rd if they were awesome

Puyo Puyo tetris is the greatest collab ever. Something so random that it's perfect in every sense of the word. The game has tons of fun arcade game modes that will provide you with 10s of hours of entertainment, not to mention the whole ass campaign with a fine enough story for a puyo puyo tetris game. On top of this the game also feature online multiplayer that is super fun to play. This game is unironically in my top 25 games of all time now and considering I bough this for 5 bucks I'd say this is an absolute win. I'll definitely have to check out the long awaited sequel puyo puyo tetris 2 sometime in the future.

What’s better than a game where you walk around and press one button? A game where you walk around and press no buttons!

I played this game back in 2006 when it first released and I really enjoyed it, then a power outage happened while I was saving and it was my only save file. I never had only one save file ever again and that’s a pretty big impact on me. I bring this up because this game is a massive time investment and I was very much not willing to get back into the mix, 60 hours down the drain. Zodiac age completely and absolutely fixes this. The game comes with a 2x/4x speed up mode that completely trivializes all the leveling and walkin around you have to do. Very much like the speed up mode on emulators, it makes the game accessible in a way it previously was not. I was able to beat this game in around 30 hours because of this feature.

Now I will actually talk about the game itself, like I said at the start. You essentially just setup menus and actions before you start combat and let the game play itself. It feels like a miracle that this game is fun. But the environment, story, characters, leveling system, license board, gambits, hunts all combine together to make this very enjoyable experience.

It was very cathartic to come back to this game and beat it. That’s all I got to say. Good times