Praying the next BioShock has this feel but in the original's setting.

I enjoyed this remaster and am looking forward to experiencing the sequel visually the same.

Granted, it is still in early access as of June 2024, but I believe Manor Lords is one of the best medieval city-building sims to date.

Manor Lords is a harsh and slow-paced game that you can't speed through time a lot. It does have a steep learning curve, much like Banished, a similar title, but this is developed much more thoroughly.

Take your time with this game. Read or watch a guide if you must, but this is a solid game to sit back and enjoy. Updates are slow as it was a single developer, now a small team, but give it time and some love!

It would honestly be a more enjoyable game if there were more players despite its active Steam Workshop. The world has a lot to offer and a lot of minigames to try out.

It has a phenomenal soundtrack, stellar gameplay, and addictive score mechanics baked together in a DOOM setting.

Not bad if you get it on sale, but it is on the Xbox Game Pass.

I originally bought it forever ago, back on the Xbox 360 Arcade shop, and I thought maybe, just maybe, having it on PC might've gotten an update or something.

I was wrong. I bought this once as a joke; the second was a joke on myself.

One day, brothers
One day, we shall receive Bloodborne PC

Good, but remasters are better now; look into those!

1,943 hours wasted.

I want to give this game a lower rating, but truthfully, it is what it advertises: a sandbox Elder Scrolls "MMO." My biggest thorn with this game is the constant splurge of horse shit into the crown store. I tried FFXIV, and even they refuse to introduce anything game-altering besides a respec potion or appearance change tokens.

Elder Scrolls Online feels heavily leaning toward a single-player experience with the option of being an MMO rather than vice versa. In this game, everything besides the world and dungeon bosses scales to your level. The only group activities are Dolmens, which are like mini hordes of enemies spawning with a chest spawning at the end, and zone and public dungeon bosses that are on a set cooldown.

Do I recommend this game? Sure. Be prepared to be tempted to buy into ESO+ Membership and unlock the craft bag and cloud storage for all crafting ingredients. Maybe it'll be its convenient ability that you'd also get monthly 1,650 crowns to spend in the store along with unlocking all DLCs (not expansion packs) while subscribed? Indeed, it'll be the free double bank space for the items you'll want to research that progressively get longer, extending upwards of 17 days just for one trait on heavy chest pieces while capped at a max of three per crafting proficiency at a time, but unlock the title "Master Crafter." :)

Expect sluggish gameplay and high monetization but a lot of base game content that any Elder Scrolls fan would enjoy.

The comedy side aged like pre-fermented cottage cheese, but six classic games for $50 is a deal regardless of discounts.

This series will always hold a special place in my heart—no pun intended. I remember watching my sister play the original Kingdom Hearts on PlayStation 2 while I ate Muddy Buddies. This collection upscaled many textures while keeping everything original.

The game is definitely pure luck/RNG. It's a great drinking game or frustration game to play with friends, but the game warns you at the start that you'll likely fail multiple times.

I don't know what was worse, getting all the achievements or the race.

My only buy-in was $15.00, and I've saved so much by not going to the casino.

Balatro is a phenomenal poker roguelike that lets you discover different planet cards to level your hands, tarot cards with various abilities, and joker cards to further multiply your played score. The game has a minor CRT TV filter, making it feel like you're just playing in a casino.

It's a wonderful game, but it can really test your patience sometimes. Weapon diversity can be expanded with some mods in-game or on Nexus, but the game itself is truly nerve-wracking.

If you're looking for a realistic, serious-tone police simulator, this is definitely something you should have in your library. I wanted to get into Squad and Escape from Tarkov but felt too daunted and sided with this. I haven't second-guessed this purchase once.