Final Fantasy ranked by me

this series is not at all conductive to being "ranked" but i'll try anyway! forever in progress.

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
first love. one of my favorite pieces of art ever. like any FF, not without stiltedness/off notes but tidus's english va gets dumped on too much, he's good and suits the material perfectly.

(played through PS4 remaster, messed with PS2 version)


Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
beautiful. when i think of its final scene, all the lows and hiccups fade away.

(played through PS4 remaster)


Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy XIII-2


Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy VIII
orbital witch space jail!! the lunar tear!!! has some of the coolest shit ever conceived. wish it was better integrated and expounded on. a mess, but maybe the best! defies linear ranking more than any other FF.

(played through PS4 remaster)


Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
(played through SNES version, messed with the bad mobile version)


Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII
i love the high concept soap opera enough to put up with the pacing and dripfed mechanics. the most interpersonally conflicted ff cast of all time.


Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV Online
ARR: go fetch a fetch quest. as my first mmo it was a new and interesting experience, but only good one intermittently.

HW: good shit.


Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy II
the dungeons wore down my positive feelings, but i respect all the swings it takes. i really like the rudimentary, bleak drama.

(played through PSP version)


Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
love the dragons, the bats, and the sick as hell plot dump.

(played through PSP version, messed with NES and GBA versions)


Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV
good, shy of great? i can see where the love for it comes from, but for me the "FFXV Universe" fell flat emotionally at almost every juncture. i think i need to reevaluate it, with a focus on the parts that work instead of focusing the sum of all its parts.

(played on PS4 in 2019 with all updates and dlc)


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i've been focusing more on movies and books in the last year, but experiencing FFXIII-2 has reactivated my FF brain. next, i wanna get to II, V, Lightning Returns, X-2, Type-0, and Stranger of Paradise... and maybe give Dirge of Cerberus a chance.

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