very cute and conceptually neat but those are really the only good things i have to say about this

This is a neat little window into the demoscene scene, a scene i know nothing about and would know even less about if this wasn't randomly on ps now

It's taken me a month since playing through this to settle my feelings about this game and (despite some iffy moments here and the director's more offensive trans/queer rep in other games) i think i liked this a lot? I'll have to be in a very specific mood to replay it but i would love to do that eventually.

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This has been on my radar for a long time and tbh it's a delight. Sure it's clunky and old but the scenes, story, and action are surprisingly well stage. It ends perfectly: just a guy and his alien bf riding off into the sky on a dragon

Clumsy as fuck. Loved it. This was my first ever playthrough, and I shamelessly used the shit out of the built-in boosters just so I could experience the story. And I really liked it!! Enough to definitely give it another go some time on my psp with an older version.

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I'm a bit iffy on the ending and the ultimate twist. Personally I was kind of hoping for some full blown cosmic horror shit, think In the Month of Madness but Sutter Cane is just some little kid. I guess what they went with is FINE, just not that interesting imo or as compelling as the bulk of the mystery. Also the character Ethan Carter is better at writing than the character Alan Wake lol

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it's gay as hell for two lesbians to turn into one world-destroying monster

For girls who like plants, earthy tones, violins, and birbman-shaped metaphors

Extremely well made. The art style has a lot of personality (oh god the pinups are cursed tho) and the voice acting and music are pretty good. But yeahhh, retroized backwardness is just never gonna hit right with me. Sexist, full of cringe fantasy racism that was tired when Zootopia came out more than half a decade ago, ablest at the eleventh hour. I know most of my problems with this are rooted in it being a straight forward riff on genre tropes, but furry hell...

The first Final Fantasy is a rough thing. I've fucked around with several versions of it—minutes of the original ported to the Wii, many hours of the GBA version, now again on the PSP—and it's kind of satisfying to have finally beaten it. With its broken mechanics mended, and a nice graphical update... it's surprisingly decent and endearing, if easy. I never wiped once! Tho I came real close a few times. A fine, chill experience. I wouldn't call the game deep, but it's rich with ideas and neat lil details. I liked the dragon ppl who are just like, amiable individuals and not just monsters. Also the bats. I can't wait to see what Stranger of Paradise does with this game's ideas and I especially can't wait to kill that fucker Chaos again <3<3<3

flying in a fighter jet with gamera as your wingman, a banger soundtrack, fmv cutscenes, weird monsters modeled beautifully, explosions of pixelated green blood???

you know what i don't need to reiterate the flaws and the bs. what needs pointing out is, it is delightful to be a catperson. a tail? emotive ears?? i also have a big pompadour. my fur? pink. my pronouns? unsupported lol. i'm gonna transtasia into a hrothgar after hw which will make all the gendering more bearable

edit 1/12/2023: after a break of half a year, i went back and wrapped up 2.1-2.5. the pacing got so much better. some good storytelling. i am excited to continue unto heavensward.

Perfectly enjoyable story (it was less cop-humpy? i didn't fuck around much with the side stuff so idk about that part). thank fuck we dont even have to activate surveillance towers this go around. i liked the combat alright in the last game until i tired of it and i kind of started this one tired of the combat - i just feel like goons should go down in fewer hits, you know?

i fucking HATE that they changed peter's face model. i mean i don't hate the new face. but why change it? what was wrong with the old one??? the new one looks too young, like a baby chris evans, it upsets me. i liked peter's old face :((((

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"my grave?"

this was 11 cents during a sale!! it's hard to not get your money's worth for that kind of bargain.

there's a cutscene? you're a woman? you're marrying a woman? she might be the devil? your gun is the color of your new wife's suit. all vaguely queer.

the is like, 5 minutes long. at the beginning, you're supposed to follow the flowers. i fucked that up immediately and wandered for 15 minutes aimlessly. i went back and forth. i traced the narrow boundaries of the map. the lack of background music, ambient noise, even footsteps—the silence set my teeth on edge.

eventually i restarted, continued down the flower path, went thru a portal that i had completely missed, shot some ghosts, found my own grave, all within a few minutes and then it was over. tbh the vibes were interesting and it was not 11 cents ill-spent.